Jessabella said:
Wondering what angle you would take on answering this question...
Australia's health status has changed significantly over the past century, particularly the last two decades. Discuss these changes with reference to:
Epidemiological trends
Priority areas for health promotion
Success of health promotion initiatives
Health care system...
basically i would start by outlining the changes that have occured over the last century with specific reference to the 4 areas of epidemiological measures:
Life expectancy, morbidity, etc
then i would talk about the changes over the last 30 years due to the introduction of better ways of treating the major causes of morbidiy and mortality (i.e. a shift to prevention rather than treatment). this is particuarly important because the major causes of illness and death now (thanks to better hygene etc) are lifestyle related diseases which can be prevented.
i would then go in to detail about a couple of programs for health promotion (e.g. QUIT for life; slip slop slap etc. and discuss how these have been successful and how they have impacted the change in health status.
in regard to the health care system, talk about funding (prevention vs treatment budget) and medicare, PBS and how these have impacted on the health care status - e.g. medicare provides access to health care regardless of health status which is the sojial justice principle in action but you can also talk about how it doesnt cover everything and thus to further improve health status the medicare program may need to be expanded in the future.
there is heaps more you could write on all these things but i hope this gives you a bit of direction. this is a very ambiguous question...perhaps map it out before you go guns a blazing and try to answer it...that way you will be able to think laterally and make your answer better