will the language (or japanese) continuers' prelim course as well as HSC course be examine in the HSC exam?
thanks in advanced.
The study of a language is a continuous process and naturally all that you learnt in terms of the language itself in Year 11 will be relevant for your HSC.
I am not sure about Japanese but I know that for German for the HSC there were specific topics that we were given to focus on for speaking (though the list was very extensive) and that there were specific grammatical structures that we were expected to use and recognise (these were listed in the syllabus) and many of these I had learnt throughout my study of German.
I recommend consulting the syllabus to see what you will be examined on but it would be quite nonsensical to suggest that just because you learnt a grammatical structure or something in Year 11 that it is not examinable in the HSC, especially given the cumulative nature of the study of languages.