I would just like to say sorry to anyone who gets offended at the answer of part 1 of the following question.
hey, iv seen that you do bachelor of construction project management, and i want to do that course next year as well, but there is limited info about it.
Just a few questions if you dont mind,
1) whats uts like ? social life ? HAHA are there actually hot girls at uts ? just curious LMAO
2) With your course, how do you set yourself up with a cadetship ? or does the uni do it for you ?
3) how many days a week are you doing at uni now ? iv heard its like 2-3, and the rest they expect you get some industry experience ?
4) is a majority of the work in groups ? and do people actaully do some work HAHA ?
5) how many hours of study do you put in, and are you still passing ?
im a bit like you, i hate study but i have a reasonable level of logic
thanks !
Hey man,
No problem! I know them feels, I could hardly find any information on it myself.
UTS Generally has an 'alright' social life. If you're looking for a good social life UNSW > USYD / MACQ > UTS > UWS - well thats from what i know / heard. UTS' social is alright, they do have parties but going there and shit is a bitch and so on, so its up to you, but ive seen macqs parties and they go off the most, UNSW ive heard as well.
Hottest girls USYD > UTS > MACQ > UNSW > UWS .... but then again this depends on what type of girls you go for LOL. USYD and UTS more aussies. UNSW asian and UWS wogs
But in saying this.... If you're planning on doing construction project management, i have bad news for you son. Theres hardly any girls in this degree. Also, if you're like most students who do CPM, you generally work while you study so i generally get one day to goto uni.... so i dont spend much time there. so generally social life for a CPM student isnt great, unless you dont work LOL then IDK it might be good.
Cadetship is the best way to get experience cause they pretty much let you expereience all parts of the industry; contract admin, estimating and site work.
Junior positions are generally more specific - 'junior estimator' so youre pretty much just doing that while youre there unless they have opportunities that come up in other fields.
Cadetships can be found through three ways;
A) Through the UNI - Theres a 'job opportunity board' where the head of the course posts job opportunities that are available. But lets not forget, everyone in the degree gets a chance to apply for it. I got my first cadetship via the UNI. But this is a good upside from UTS which has this. UWS doesn't and idk about UNSW.
B) Seek or other job seeking sites - Search for 'cadet' or ' junior' positions in the construction industry
C) Calling up companies you want to work at and literally asking if they have cadetships available and if/when theyre taking in applicants. AVOID (less for mid tier) calling Mid to Top tier companies because theyre less likely to take you if you have no experience in the industry.
If you want to work in a top tier company. Start a cadetship at a small construction company, get a year under your belt and THEN start applying for the top tier companies. This is the best way, but obviously there are exceptions.... You may be lucky to get one, but don't forget working at a HUGE company like lend lease isn't always the best when you start.
I'm currently working 4 days a week (and sometimes saturdays. Yes saturdays) and get 1 day off for UNI. I know some people who work 3.5 days and get 1.5 days of UNI but they tend to do more saturday work and its generally harder to find a company that does it in that ratio.
If you're not working its generally 2 or 3 days at uni.
This question made me LOL, because i don't like group work and had the same question myself when i was starting.
70% of the course is group work assignments > They're trying to make it as realistic as possible. If you want to work alone, the construction industry isnt for you unfortunately LOL.
Do people work? Yes and no, at the start find people who work well in groups and you generally stay with them till the end of the degree unless you get put in a group. But always be on the look out for good group workers!
LOL i can't really say, not much really but thats the way ive worked throughout HSC and UNI. I just smash it out in the last days and end up getting good grades, obviously not all the time LOL but i generally do get good marks. But idk how you work so it just depends how you learn/work the best.
Just like HSC, theres no set hours of study for you to get 99 atar. Obviously the more you study the better you get.
I don't hate study, because once you're at uni and you realise youre studying for something youre going to be making money in and want to develop your career in, it becomes more of a hobby then actual study. Obviously this isnt the case before an exam but you get my point.
I'm just below distinction average atm ... i think LOL
Yea its helps to be logical in this degree