They say you need around 5.0 gpa to transfer, but ive gone through this forum and people have said they have transferred with as low as 4.2 (not for the exact same course). Since you have a 3.75 gpa, you probably have failed 1 or more subject (s) UTS needs you to send them a letter to explain the failed marks. Hopefully youve sent it cause I think it finished at nov 30. Im on the same boat, woth a 4.5 gpa, and I dont think Ill probably get in myself

, but its always worth a try! I may suggest trying to transfer into a subject with a 70-80 atar mark and then transferring internally (im going to try this also), because trying to build up your 3.75 gpa for next year is going to be really hard (if youre trying to transfer next year). Good luck!