Fall Out Boy, November 25? Or 18? I forgot lol at SEC
Was the experience really as good as you expected?
YES it was so good omfg but first time in a mosh pit so that was a very new experience
What was the playlist like?
really good, but disappointing with the lack of songs from Infinity High. There were a few random songs I have never heard though haha
The crowd demeanor?
Being in a moshpit...obviously expected lots of gross stuff and pushy people. I had about 10 people grinding on me and it was disgusting. I was wet from other people's sweat...so crowd was not so great. I heard some girl exclaim amazing every time the drummer hit the drums
The band/singers energy?
SO AMAZING, they were upbeat the entire time, cracked jokes, made the audience feel comfortable and excited about the concert!!
The venue?
Good location, v. central so transport was accessible
etc etc etc
Would definitely see FOB again, hopefully they come with P!ATD as a supporting act

(British India was the supporting one in their AUS tour, but were way too screamo live, they sound better on the album)