2. 20 marks in total
(a) (4 marks) Complete the following function which when given an integer will return
true if the integer is negative and otherwise false. WRITE ONE LINE ONLY.
bool isNegative(int n)
{ // supply this code - write ONE line only
(b) (8 marks) Complete the following function that will determine and return the smallest
of three supplied integer values. Supply only the missing lines.
int minValue(int a, int b, int c)
{ //supply this code
umm..i have no idea what do to with bool functions
any help is appreciated!
2. 20 marks in total
(a) (4 marks) Complete the following function which when given an integer will return
true if the integer is negative and otherwise false. WRITE ONE LINE ONLY.
bool isNegative(int n)
{ // supply this code - write ONE line only
(b) (8 marks) Complete the following function that will determine and return the smallest
of three supplied integer values. Supply only the missing lines.
int minValue(int a, int b, int c)
{ //supply this code
umm..i have no idea what do to with bool functions
any help is appreciated!