Tomcat Pilot
oh contraire, things that are considered leading theories are the best explanation we currently have. They are virtually established fact e.g. the theory of special relativity (which we utilise for extremely accurate time keeping for GPS) and the theory of evolution.Ok, so they prob have an adverse effect...there is still no definite proof, that is my point...yes the IPCC says its real, there are still scientists that say it isn't real. It's also nice to know that i don't understand anything about science and that I've been wrong about everything....I don't think I have...you guys don't seem to know the definition of theory (but thats another discussion) and take all theories as established fact, something they definitely ARE NOT.
I hate this "some scientist don't agree" bullshit. So what? The leading scientists in the field all agree, and the vast, vast majority in other fields agree too. There is never "definite proof." Please prove to me that F=ma, that is a law, not a theory, so you should be able to prove it.