Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07 (2 Viewers)


Jul 7, 2007
last time I tried, it was rather difficult to infect the evil with evil.

*shudders* ok a Grammar fetish no longer seems so disturbing...

why was he laughing at you the first time?

and what does it say when you say "travel blog" and the first thing that comes into my head is "reflection on the journey". :( stupid HSC.

oh wow. I always assumed he went to a Grammar prep school. guess I was wrong.

oh, and, speaking of newspaper articles, d'you know a Rebecca Clark and a Charlotte Ekas? apparently, you go to school with them. there was something in the Sunday paper about how they're taking day-spa sessions at some hotel "to relax from the stress of the HSC" or somesuch. *rolls eyes*

@Olson: why can't you remember? make that sort of offer often, do you?
I thought all those were just mistresses. and Virgil was your lawfully wedded decayed corpse until you part?
because you're ~not~ heroic. just like Aeneas the Wuss... :D would you have preferred it to be on the basis of number of 3-toothed, albino, diamond-encrusted fire-breathing sows that you've sacrificed?

(this is starting to get confusing, there's so many this thread. um. you know what I mean.)
Nov 18, 2006
Nicholas - you reckoned you proposed on Garden Party day, so presumably you remembered better then. I don't want to know how you're getting over the antomy problem with having his babies D:
Although I have to say, I'd've liked to see these 'inappropriate' Greek lessons.

Shall we say it was because the computer thought you might have slain the three-headed computer virus of doom with only MS Paint?

All those? o: Virgil will be so upset.

Well, there are grades of evil. They could have infected minor thieves so that they became razor-toothed baby eaters, but no, they picked the innocent, nice kids. Apparently you can tell which guys are from knox by the swagger XD.

Yeah. I can't say I've met many North Sydney boys, but the ones I have were...tragic. Really. Then again, that was the entire Classics cohort...

I don't know. We bumped into him at UNSW open day, and we'd say something, then he'd laugh, and we'd say something else, and he'd laugh...then we told him to stop laughing, and he laughed. XD

D:. Dad suggested we see an art exhibition called "Journeys to..." on Saturday and I nearly had a fit.

He might have the later part -- I think he left mine around Year 1.

Charlotte Ekas is in my year, not sure about Rebecca Clark. Can't say I know her well at all, but that does fit my vague mental image of her.
So you get rid of the stress of the HSC by not doing the work - that would stress me out more D:
Then again, I don't know about you, but this hasn't been as stressful as all the years of building horror of being at this point in time led me to believe it would be o_O

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Jul 7, 2007
they both do Bio...I'm sure they'll figure it out.

you really should see it, it's amazing. the sexual tension between them got so much that once they set their tables on fire just by directing their smouldering gazes at one another. quite extraordinary.

again - that was almost certainly due to the Classics thing...and you don't have to look any further than this forum for proof of that. :p

I thought swaggers were indicative of jerkhood, not Knoxness. although the two are probably synonymous.

oh, I didn't know you went to UNSW Open day. (then again, I wasn't, uh, "roving the field" like Ross probably was. :)) or- maybe you caught him when he was drunk/high/both?

had a fit at seeing an art exhibition? or Journeys?

yeah, I just thought, "you'd go pamper yourself, HSC or no HSC". (my social and sexual stereotyping shines through. XD)
and that's pretty damn hypocritical (not to mention typical) of me, since the "getting rid of the stress of the HSC by not doing the work" pretty much sums up my method of study. or not-study, depending on how you choose to see it.

...uh. this particular point in time? no. on the other hand, this year has been extremely draining, to say the least. naturally, I could have made things easier for myself, but nooooo......

*blinks* wow. I whinge a lot.


Mar 3, 2007

you guys talk more than i do...

btw on week 3 i have maths, bio and ext greek (same day), then free day then ancient....i know i guess not as bad as lama's poor thing..but annoying...greek always seems to stuff up my timetable...for trials it was on the same day as ancient...annoying...

also Rebecca Clark is in our year....she has blonde hair skinny child...umm..pretty much like the rest of our year...oh well.....

if Ross was high that would explain the laughter after we would speak...or he wasn't listening and figured he should say something..hence laughter...
btw did he get a call back from UNSW for med????

(ki, jane said her interview went really well for that..yeah...yeah...i just hope umbridge and the other don't find out)

i don't think the HSC year was as stressful as anyone makes out either..and considering i have to more social outings then any other year i guess it can't be that restrictive..although my mum and dad did leave me for ages so that might be the reason i went out more.....
mostly i think the HSC was just fun...with bits of annoying things like assessments...but i guess i am not the best representative considering i never actual study that hard...i mean i always mean to but most of the time i just fluke things i hope my luck doesn't run out or i am screwed (really sad...all i can think of when i think of luck is damn thuccy...and the 'chance/fortune' factor in the Pylos episode)...although this year has taught me how to procrastinate better than ever before...cause i used to just watch tv..but that got borang so now i branch out and now go on the internet...which is why everyone should get facebook...although there doesn't seem to be much to can just spend hours surfing peoples pics...and profiles....deffinetly a good thing...

btw life with out UST is if nicolas and ross have some...its great just like harry and ron...and sometimes harry and cedric...that was such a great movie cause of all the UST.....
Nov 18, 2006
I'm sure your teacher was impressed when that happened.

The level of tragic-ness was far far worse than this thread, even with all the scary nerdness. It's more...a social skill thing. No one here has ever tried to start a conversation with "So, does your school have PA systems?" (and that being the only attempt.)

That's why they're evil. Definitely synonymous :3

We bumped into him (well, he bumped into us, we were standing in a queue o_O) in the Roundhouse, where all the information books were.

At it being called 'Journeys to'.

Even with the ignoring work, my bet is you have a much larger chance of doing well than they do. 'Much larger chance' being almost completely certain. And the almost is only if you get sick and don't make it to the exam room while the doctor refuses to believe that you're sick and so won't give you a doctor's certificate kind of scenario.

I've found there are weeks which are bad (mostly due to classics department trying to murder us with four assessments in the one week x.x), but I maintain Year 10 was worse.

Zaz - no we don't. We reallyreally don't :3

No wonder I don't know who she is.

I know - unfortuantely Jane discussed it in front of them, I believe. Poor Jane.

Oh dear, Zaz. XDDDD

Mr Gumby

Jul 24, 2007
Sydney Grammar
Hmm, maybe Zara was high/drunk/both. Sorry, that was pretty incoherent. I do agree, though. I'm surprisingly not stressed, and that's worrying me. So maybe I am stressed. What is UST though?

Ross did get a call back from UNSW for Med I think. Well, he was happy about something. I'm pretty sure it was Med.

I saw that article in the paper actually. It got me wondering whether you do that? But I guess you don't. I thought maybe it was a PLC thing.

It's just as well I didn't add all the other things I might have to the list, or Vergil would have been even more upset. As for you, Jeremy, you really shouldn't have introduced Aeneas the Wuss or the two-toothed goat thing into this. You may have started something you can't stop - we've already wasted enough Greek lessons over this. I don't make many of those offers, so Ross should feel very special. I guess you're just jealous because I didn't make the offer to you. I suppose you felt very left out in Greek. Ross and I casting passionate glances at eachother, Papilloma not talking as were all by yourself.

Write that thing about the Virus of Doom in hexameters and I might buy it.
Nov 18, 2006
UST = unresolved sexual tension.
Although if you are casting passionate glances and setting tables on fire, it probably isn't unresolved.

Virgil would be more upset, and perhaps Thucy would be feeling left out.

Two-toothed goat?

Hmm...reminds me a little of an old Latin teacher who came for a couple of lessons this year: "Write an essay on why you think Aeneas is a bug-eyed lizard-man from Zargon."

Tempted to try, but that would waste time, and I'm meant to be working now *shifty eyes*


Jul 7, 2007
we've never tried that because we don't have PA systems. :p (well, we do. but only for emergencies. we don't really need a PA system, Grammar's so small you can pretty much yell on one side of the school and be heard from the other.)

alright, I'll agree that Knox boys are jerks, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're evil. case in point: Ross and I aren't evil, but ask Nick how jerk-ish we are. :D

oh yeah! I remember now, I was leaving the Roundhouse and met him, and he mentioned he'd met you. but I had to leave the Uni straight after that, I had something on...what was it? oh yeah, birthday stuff. :)

heh. for me it'd be both. I'm a really bad person to see art exhibitions with; all I do is wonder why it's so highly valued/how they call something like that art/etc...

we had that classics 4-assessment week too, but it wasn't bad...pretty funny though, we were given the essay question at the beginning of last year, but most people didn't even start working on it until a week before. didn't matter anyway, almost everyone got 9 or 10/10, and when that's for an assessment which counts for 5%...
year 10??? are you kidding?? that was nothing!! the School Certificate was just fun. I fell asleep in the School Cert. Maths exam, I think it was, and got woken up by the fire alarm going off. :) good times.

@Nick: I believe UST is Unresolved Sexual Tension. at a guess. and yeah, Ross got the interview for Med, that's what he was checking his phone for in Greek. I wonder how he went...
heh, fair enough, I'll drop it. makes for easy comment answers in Latin, I s'pose I should be grateful for that.
*shudders* please don't EVER make that offer to me. or I'll burn down your classics library.
Papilloma? that's a new one. good ol' Papa/Papadom/Pap-dog/Pap smear never talks anyway, we're all used to that.


Jul 7, 2007
"two-toothed goat" is a reference to the way that Aeneas always seems to be able to pull out EXACTLY the right animal to be sacrificed for the occasion. eg. "you need to sacrifice a two-toothed goat.""I've got one right here!"
sore point with Nick. evidently.

aren't we all meant to be working now?
Nov 18, 2006
I don't know if he did, either -- at the latin seminar they kept interrupting with notices about basketball trials. You lot aren't greasy, either, that I've noticed, and as far as I'm aware you also don't smell. This guy did D:

Just stay away from Wahroonga/Waitara, and you won't turn evil :3
Trust me, I lived with two of them for a number of years, and they only turned evil after going there, and seem to have stopped now they've left.

Well, he left after they announced they were closing, so we were running around frantically talking to people when he would've seen you.

I'm perfectly happy to if they're decent or if I know the artists. I enjoy school art exhibitions for the latter reason XD. Half the fun is in going "ooh, who's is this? Where's [insert name]'s?"

They also kept putting assessments the day after big school events, like Careers Night or Trivia Night D:. I also saw a play on one of those nights, so that added to the stress a bit D:.

Nono, school cert was good fun :D. Best week of the year. It was the schoolwork removed from school cert that was bad.
Writing folder, for example. And suddenly being hit with "now we actually expect you to work" D:.

Doesn't talk? That sounds a little familiar o_O
On the subject, Zaz -- do you have /any/ idea who's responsible for voting me 6th most talkative on facebook? o______O; And whether or not they'd pumped up the irony for the day?
Our year should make up it's mind D:

Well, I guess for a language which is responsible for the term 'deus ex machina', it's allowed use a few (or few hundred, whichever).

I've timetabled my life, and was meant to be doing English at that moment. I was typing up essays to email my teacher at the same time, so that's my excuse :3


Jul 7, 2007
heh, I'm too far away from there to go there on a whim any time soon. I think I'm safe. :p

right. I'll assume those two are brothers. little strange if 2 Knox boys randomly lived in your house. *raises eyebrow*

*shrug* I didn't like UNSW much anyway. I guess I'm too used to the sandstone :)

haha, yeah, I did that with our school's HSC exhibition. although, again, a lot of the time I was asking "what the hell does this have to do with cancer????" or whatever the subject was.

yeah, I had a couple of 3-hrs-long-finish-at-9:30pm rehearsals during our classics assessment week. and the fire alarm evacuation that occurred during our Virgil assesment wasn't helpful *glares*

hm I thought yr 11 was harder than yr 10. mainly because they spent yrs 7-10 teaching us how not to think. and then they spend yrs 11 and 12 trying to teach us how to think XD
what's a writing folder?

I'm too ill-disciplined for study timetables :( and that's not much of an excuse :p my excuse is that I'm still marvelling at the fact that my English teacher joined Facebook. :D
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Aug 2, 2006
You lot are dickheads, mainly Ki and Zara. (suckers to you Zara...hahaha I can hear you laughing on the phone now)

Lots of love huggles and k...never mind,

Steph <333


Mar 3, 2007
ha...stephanie stephanie..stephanie...k..i just like writing your name..sorry..but its not my fault...i thought you knew...not my fault blame ki..or yourself consdering you don't have facebook..not my fault at all...i rule...bte (wow haven't said that for a while..remember 'my rule' phase...

btw should have added what you wanted to say

man..i hate my family...stupid annoying people always telling me to study when i am not and then annoying me when i am...very very annoying...[k sorry people were annoying me calm now...obviously i don't want to study now..not at almost 12am]

writing folder was this task in year 10 for english, where we had to come up with various english things, it was basically any written work which you wrote in any text things like short stories ..but these works had to be writtent then re-written so work in progress any major work...

but as usual i didn't actual to do this properly..although my teacher Mrs French kept telling me to hand in stuff..never did...and then the night before i wrote like a hundred things...but unlike all my last night things didn't go soo well...but i did pass so whatever...and it was year 10..

i totally agree with you jeremy...yr 10 was a bludge..although i know people, namley the other ki, who actual stressed and stressed about it...ahah...losers...i still managed to do well...well not what u people consider well but well...meh...

btw ki, didn't know you were most you do talk loads..evidence on all the emails and evidence two this bored of studies thing..and yeah and all the conversations we have had which would last hours if we didn't always have to go somewhere...and you are crazy and loud...remember that time at year four camp when you nanana....thing...and then counting in totally loved that and went crazy with it...

we had a latin essay like that when the lowest mark was like 8.5/10 or went up by .1...very odd thing.....i think btw its a classics thing or a school thing not to study or research before the night before..or maybe its a thing that i just seem to do alot...namely for every trial exam and every assessment this year...yah! for cramming.

I think that for years 7-10 they attempted to teach us to think and this year they have attempted to teach us not to think but to listen copy and re-write. All the HSC is, as it seems to me, is just a test to see how much i can remember and how well i can re-write stuff under pressure...i don't know about you but i have never been able to come up with my most brilliant stuff in under 3 hours and in a stressful situation.....i don't know i think i am mostly against HSC and testing and stuff cause i hate it soo much and it has caused me soo many problems...soo many...but i just don't see the point cause i don't think this year i have really thought for myself mostly i just listen to my teachers and read stuff and remember and often i don't even re-write what i read in my in commentary for classics..esp virgil most of the time i read stuff then write it exactly as it was in our book...

BTW knox people are totally evil...and bastards..and annoying very very annoying...bastards..

k...really sorry about all my ranting and complaining..just felt like it..

Aug 2, 2006
My dearest Zara, (and whoever else wants to pay attention)

How is it my fault choosing not to conform and getting stupid facebook? (I'm so sick of the "OMGZ let's liek put it on facebook lolz")
Shut up about MySpace because I don't even go on anymore and I'd only use it to really talk to my friend Kris who lives in the US but seeing as she's back on gaia...yeah that's right I have GAIA why don't you re-get your gaia? Then again I haven't gone on Gaia for ages...see only use it for pen pal purposes.

What was this thing I was wanting to say?

Don't worry I'm still on my parents "OMG you have to get up at 6 because you need a normal routine for the HSC"...they're so ANNOYING. First of all I'll get up at 8 at the EARLIEST and they don't have to keep calling me to make sure I'm awake.
That's a bad idea anyway because I just told dad to "Piss Off I'm Up" and then he was like "Um you do realise that was on speaker phone?" XD (well too bad I say! I could have said something worse...actually maybe I did but hopefully it was off speaker by then. ^_^

Considering the amount of late night msn sessions I had in yr 9 in yr 10 I had really good grades. If I had the grades I was getting in yr 10 right now (minus english and maths--> trade those with yr 8) I would be very happy right now. But no, I just got extremely unintelligent come yr 11.

OOOOO are you lot bagging out Knox!?!?!? EXCELLENT that is I must say, a brilliant habit/hobby of mine. In other words, don't get me started? XD

I had the oddest dream last night and basically everyone I know was in was like being sucked into a computer game or some alternate 'magical' reality. (there actually were two kind of worlds that had somehow become intermingled) It'd actually make a really good story/movie/tv show...OOOOO Like it actually was working like a movie in my dream too and I think there was even Salma Hayek on a white horse for some bizarre reason. It was really cool where you got powers from too (it was genetic I'm pretty sure)...^_^...anyway I shall CAN IT now.

Anyway, I'm off to bore myself to death with Electra probably. I'm getting worried about well everything and I HATE HATE HATE commentary. I should really do some maths/chem/eng at some point today...T_T
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Nov 18, 2006
Why are we dickheads? o:

Yes, they're brothers.

*shrug* I liked it. The law building was so incredibly cool.

Ouch. I'm just glad they were kind and did not put any assessments during Musical. We were practically living at school then D:

Wow o_O; Creepy.

For that Frenchie was annoying. She wrote on my report that I needed to do more work for it, and then for my actual comment on the assessment it was all "you've obviously put a lot of work into this" D:

*ahem* Na-nanananaaa-nanana-nanana-nananaaa-NANANANAAAA ichi ni san chi! *repeat* (and apologies for the spelling o_O)
Zaz, you're not seeing a slight, iunno, variance in 6th Most Talkative following Quietest/Shy-est?


Jul 7, 2007
*shrug* hm, the law building is what I disliked most, I thought it looked a little ridiculous. XD

yeah, I don't like fire alarms after this year :( used to be good for a bludge, but this year we've had that one during the Virgil assessment, then another one during our Trial for English Paper 1 - for which we had to redo our comprehensions because of a few idiots. *swears profusely*


Mar 3, 2007
you people have/had a lot of fire drills...we only every have them when someone burns toast and most of the time the building i am in you never hear if an actual fire happens i think i would die....but they always report the fire drill over the loud speaker so i guess i would kind of live...

btw ki we are dickheads...cause we didnt tell steph...and then i told her on the phone and hence dickheads...see..

i liked UNSW...i did but it is not as good as sydney aesthetically which is the problem i am having.....cause sydney has such nice grass..i am a grass fanatic...almost a gramniphiliac...can i mix greek and latin..oh well i did...well i like it alot...and UNSW doesn't have as much of it or in good places...
but i did like the um...pathway thing...where it is all tiled near the roundhouse and the engineering building...that was pretty cause it slopes and its nice..but not great grass...
but it also has really good human disease museum..went there for a bio excursion it was great...really interesting..gross in bits and sad at points but good.

btw ki, the yelling was in my dream last night...but not at year four was at maybe we will have a revival that is if i actual get to uni...although did i mention i am losing time so maybe i will get there sooner than expected...meh...

enough from me....well is it ever really enough

p.s. BTW STEPH i will never shut up about myspace..considering you have it...used it...and often sent me emails about reading it...although grant you it was for useful purpose but still..and gaia...yeah never really got into that considering i never wanted to start a thread/write on a thread never had anything to say...well that promblem is gone now..lucky for all of you
Nov 18, 2006
Until you've seen our PAC building, you know nothing of ridiculous :p. The lights inside were very, very cool.

Ooh, a dream? Terrorising uni students with badly sung nonsense mixed with Japanese? Sounds like fun.
Maybe we can have another lot of that Wakakira screaming as well :p

Whenever we have fire alarms, we have to sit in the sun on a sandy bit of hockey pitch. It's annoying.

We had our teacher's mobile go off in the middle of a latin assessment once...XD

Redoing trial = sucky D:

What didn't we tell Steph?

Baha, Paulie burning the toast. Baha Moe burning toast. Baha teachers in general burning toast. And baha year 10s bringing sandwich toasters to school and using them in the classrooms o_O


Mar 3, 2007
well i feel sorry for the fire department cause they always have to come.....and then there is never anything wrong...poor them...
lucky they are soo close...

btw we didn't tell steph about this...and we are deffinetly going to create havoc when we hit uni...the poor students know nothing of disturbance...oh well...we should also start shouting latin songs...well three of them...we should learn some more, new ones..
"mica mica parva stella.."

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