do you by chance have any stuff on hagseed and tempest that arent on bos/acehsc etc?
i often get asked that question and having Used them in my teaching career it’s important to answer that for you
The answer to that is yes and no . It’s yes in the sense that some of the notes on acehsc are mine anyway which i wrote myself or some students borrowed from me as well and no in the sense that the majority of my my notes are from English teachers association and other teacher websites. I have taken some quality notes from acehsc site which I edit because they can be added to my own notes which are designed simply to help students .
I haven’t used any resources from BOS . There is also a site called Weebly if you want some more .
i don’t claim they are all originals but i do claim that ive edited everything and deleted sections or altered them
The resources are free and are what I used in class or borrowed because it’s not for me it’s an option to help students again in hsc journey in the best possible way .
it’s all a choice . I just want to help
Anyway . I’m glad you asked me . Such a great question and important. So I hope that clarifies it for you . if you want more information let me know and i will do my best to follow up .