Originally posted by neeja
should not be dumbed down into thinking that one sex has the ability to do one thing or another.
our mind is very much like a cpu, it does the same thing over and over again, but with different inputs and outputs and the rest of the body interprets that and acts on it. the mere idea that one person has some ability that another person doesnt have stems from the actual way the brain has been grown, not its structure due to having the double x chromosome.
which means that the differences in peoples minds comes from how they were raised as a child (which is also the brains development stage). if there is a trend where one gender has the ability to perceive something the other cant, this is societies fault because society raises the children.
i agree that books like that are gross, they only serve to widen the divide n provide more ammo for why we hate guys and vice versa
but, it has been proven that male and female brains are physically structured differently, studies have proven that men have thicker connecting thing-a-mes between the hemispheres of their brain whereas females have thinner connections but have more of them
i cant rememember what point they were trying to make with this research, i think they were trying to prove the age old adage that chicks are better at multi-tasking because their brain can carry more signals simultaneously
so yes, the combos of x and y cromosones do make a difference in brain structure!!
and it isnt all socities fault, mostly but not all, face facts ppl are born stupid/genius, for whatever reasons they're brains are able to function at higher/slower rates than others, blame it either on fucking einstein or your first cousin!!!
but socialisation plays such a huge role in brain devt, and gender concepts of gender are learnt...... but there you go there's my rave!