yes its a brake dancing competitition but with a cheess themed styling, well basucally theres this big chessboard and you got to break it down oldschool (i mean oldskool) and play cheess at the SAME TIME !!!11!!1 Im serious. Also you get bone-us pointzorz for dong moves like the worm (or should i say wOrMzZoR) and also if you can say "Behold , Optic Blast". But be ware this is strip breake dance chess so that means iff you loose, then you have to get naked and do a sillie dance (not a breake dance, lolsies). So meet at the gient cheese board and chatswood (or to be more precise chatsWOOD), Btw to all youe newbiezorz, theis is lockated in the magiical forest of willoughby (sp?) so beware of the pixies, they willl attatch to your face like those thins in alien (the movie), and make noises like PHXXOR PHHXXOR < RENNARR HAKAPLUUT!" and they will drain like 50 hitpoint and 30 manaz but the effectzorz wint be felt if u have equipped your Susan Sommers Calf EXERCISER (or to be more precise ExErSiZZoR). or alternatively you can fly ther but beware of teh mole peopel (they livein the sewers) and also of teh evil whiteboard duszzors which attatckh you and get soot in your eyes so you cant see!!1. so ok gies and gurlz meet at the gient cheeseboard tomoorow for teh comp. bring shiny tractssuits wif u (not too shiny so u cant see cos of the glare tho, roflcopter i should be a comedean!!!). oq so B tehre or B^2. from your friendly naghborhood chess conveynor. (pss i wunder how strict the moderators are cosi might get bannzored for occasional missspelling so ill canel it out by spellin Pistachio - woow amaizing how did i do itt???)