Originally posted by hurrotisrobbo
Well... One could get the markers on-side by using, say... The Beatles.
Or "Twelve o' Clock Rock"
The numbers change, y'see:
"1, 2, 3 o' Clock Rock, 4 o' Clock Rock
5, 6, 7 o' Clock Rock..."
You get the point.
How profound lol... appeal to the markers on a personal level. (bonus marks for the band name
Someone actually did that on the standards pack for Change: they said how good 'oldies' music was, and how all the good music nowadays was covers of old stuff. actually it was a good response , i guess that probably would have helped the mark.
btw you got the words wrong
. im sure the markers would have been really dissappointed.
1 2 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock rock
5 6 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock rock