I am not too sure how compatible Muslim immigrants from Islam dominated countries would be with our culture. Over in shitstanbull and wtfistan there is only one type of Muslim, the fundamentalist kind. The more moderate Muslims we see here aren’t even considered 'real' Muslims there.
The problem with this is that fundamentalist Muslims have one very strong allegiance, and that is to Islam. Allot of the beliefs surrounding Islam are incompatible with western ideals [generally equality, liberty, freedom of speech, human rights, democracy, no corporal punishment and innocent until proven guilty]
If you are becoming an Australian then you are taking a pledge to uphold those ideals above all else and pledging loyalty towards your country.
So I put it, how can one be a fundamentalist Muslim and all it entails [sexism, denial of liberty, disagreement with religious freedom, shariah law which is mostly about corporal punishment, controlled speech e.g. you cant depict Muhammad] who holds as a fundamental belief that Islam is number one and they fully support it with their loyalty and allegiance... how can this individual then swear allegiance and loyalty to a country that abhors most of those beliefs?
The answer is they can’t. They are lying when they pledge allegiance which is permitted by the Koran.
Now I don’t have any problem with people practicing whatever religion they want [well I do and I don’t like it, but I am not going to do anything about it] because I believe in freedom of religion. What I do have a problem is, is when our FREEDOM and liberty is used to protect those who are actually against that freedom.
How the hell can someone support shariah law and also support the western legal rights? How the hell can they support equality when their fundamental beliefs are in fact sexist and racist? How can they support our justice system when they believe in corporal and capital punishment? How can they support freedom of religion when they believe this should be a crime?
I don’t necessarily suggest we start banning people who want to come here based on their religion, I think we should ban people coming here who don’t believe in western ideals. Unfortunately that means 90% of Muslims should go find another country to fuck up like they did their home land.