hiphophorray123 said:
i believe our legal system is more efficient too for the basic fact that your innoecnt until proven guilty. in bali it's reversed and i think its fkn stupid
Hahaha, how naive of you.
Okay, let's consider a very sensitive case in Australia: pedophilia
Under the Australian system (innocent until proven guilty):
- if the guy is this ugly old bastard, then everyone in the nation (90% of them) may find it "clearly", "undisputably" "obvious" that he is guilty.
- however, the evidence is not enough to proof him guilty, after all, he is 'innocent until proven guilty', no? So, he escaped jail sentence.
- Australian people are outraged beyond words. They deem the court's case "unfair"
- now any of their children can be victims of this pedophile.
Notice any parallels? This hypothetical (yet possible) court's decision is, as you said, "fkn stupid" no? Our legal system is soooooo much more efficient indeed, heh.
Corby happens to 'commit a crime' where the legal system puts her at a disadvantaged position, but it works the other way too.
Any legal systems have weak points and will result in several "unfair" judgements. I find it amusing that it is soooo fast for people to demonise the foreign legal system before looking at the injustices that have been created by Australian's own system. More efficient system? I think not.