Ohh my sister was telling me about some book on people skills written by some guy who was like illiterate (not literary but not highly educated) and through his ppl skills he became one of the longest serving US senators. I mean this is a guy that when he got elected into the senate he didnt know how to read the bills. I don't know the title though so i suppose my post is pretty useless but i will find out.
You'll find many such books in the Self Help section. If you still cannot find what you are after I suggest you write to the makers of '(insert problem) for Dummies' and suggest they make a book called 'Self Help for Dummies'. Please note the irony.
Yeah, what you're talking about would fall under self-help. For influencing people, I don't know... There is the grandaddy of them all, an oldie-but-goodie called How to Win friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Link.
WOW fast seduction site, i remember i saw a docuementary on like body language and such and the mentioned the website [ this is like a few yrs ago] and then i went to visit the site but it wasnt ep yet, it was still under construction
good to see shit that helps people form relationships