spillargroove said:
On the topic of textbooks, how much are new students are expected to spend purchasing these in general? The University does realise we will have to spend a considerable of money..?
yes - all unis are well aware of how ridiculously expensive books are but i guess it's not really their fault.. blame the authors/publishers..
nice coordinators do custom publications

coz they're smaller and leave out the crapy ou don't need and cheaper...
depending on how expensive your course is, per semester you'd be looking at from as little as $150 to as much as $600 on textbooks if you're in say... 4th year law or 3rd year 'insane finance related business" course since you have 4 units a semester and each unit has usually one or 2 books each at about $120-$150 per unit...
then - add photcopying and printing (and library fines 4 those lazy ppls

) - then its between $50 and $400 more per semester... eg - you do tute presentations in a lot of units... you have to print powerpoints @$1.10 per page.. and then you gotta print out handouts for all the students in the class - so you could be up to $30 already for one stupid 10 minute task...
the uni is well aware o f these costs - if you get n ice teachers, they try to minimise these costs by not making you produce endless handouts, or photocopy whole chapters of books...
likewise - they may copy and place on the library web site resources for you instead of making you potocopy the library books...
that said though.. there are other ways to cut costs

buy 2nd hand textbooks, sell em once you've finished with them if you won't be needing them anymore.. don't buy all the 'recommended' texts unless you are told they are vital coz usually you're not gonna use em much and you'd be better off photocopying the relevant chapters from the library copies..
make sure you get a coop membership card coz that's an autmoatic 10% saving

... use online sites like lawbooks.com coz they have anywhere from 10-25% off books..
although i know its not legal... a lot of people if they have a friend in their classes - one person will buy the book, and they will photocopy the relevant chapters for the other person and then split the cost... because you don't necessarily use all the chapters of your text.
it is a lot of money compared to school but put it this way - when your course can cost up to $40,000+ so its a lot but it's nothing in the scheme of things... not much of a positive thought lol but it makes it seem a little less