shoutoutloud said:
Hey guys for geog e have this Q:
Explain the four biophysical processes as they OPERATE at Bantry bay and asses the impact of humans on the two creeks at this location,.
HOW would U begin and end?
i have problem with this and i have done everything Else
well i would start..
Explain the four biophysical processes as they OPERATE at Bantry bay and asses the impact of humans on the two creeks at this location.
At Bantry Bay the four main biophysical interactions that have on the site and its human contribution to the creek at the location. there are many impact that arose as an impact produced by human and its interactions of the biophysical processes.
outline - atmosphere [what is it, how it contribute to Bantry bay?]
-make a judgement on the human impacts have with the atmosphere e.g. pollution was casue by human and to a great extent this creates the creek in the area to be badly polluted.
- biosphere [what is it, how it contribute to Bantry bay?]
-make a judgement on the human impacts have with the biosphere e.g. pollution was casue by human and to a great extent this creates the creek in the area to be badly polluted and killing off the life forms of the faunas and floras in the area.
-hydrosphere [what is it, how it contribute to Bantry bay?]
-make a judgement on the human impacts have with the hydrosphere e.g. pollution was cause by human and to a great extent this creates the creek in the area to be badly polluted.
-lithosphere [what is it, how it contribute to Bantry bay?]
-make a judgement on the human impacts have with the lithosphere e.g. pollution was cause by human and to a great extent this creates the creek in the area to be badly damage through deforestion leading to errosion.
According to the four main biophysical interactions and the high extent of human induced impact, arose the problems faced by environmentalist on the site of Bantry Bay and its near by creeks, hence this series of human induced are creating too many problems for future generations. with the ongoing impact it would lead to a degradation of resources.