
, but seriously its best to make your own notes, you can look at others if you are having trouble with particular dot points, dont think you have enough info etc, but making you owns summaries of the biology course is the best thing. I hand wrote mine for the half yearlies then typed up my notes for the trials and hsc and found when i went to read them/do past question i already knew 95% of it just from making the notes/listening in class. ive had a look through ahmads and they are alright, some dot points dont have enough information whilst other have unneccesary information. For some dot point youll learn in class ie a particular disease etc which may be different to his so best to go with what you are taught in class on those dot points but as i said before making you own notes is the best. An example of how good they are is due to poor time management and concern over a few dot points i finsihed my biology notes the day before the trial, and as a result didnt get to read over them as much as i would have liked to as well as not having enough time to do some practice questions etc, and went in feeling underprepared, but once i got in i remembered everything and managed to get 95% on the cssa biology trial paper, would have been 99% if not for some silly mistakes cause by rushing such as for some reasons when writing a sentence leaving out the key words fruit fly..... but yer making your own notes is the way to go