MiuMiu said:
I think it really depends on the length and intensity of a relationship. If it was a guy that you thought you might spend forever is then it is obviously going to be harder and take longer than it would if you were only together for a few months or had known for awhile that it wasn't going to work out.
I think in the case of the more serious relationship ending, you've just got to let yourself grieve, but also spend heaps of time with friends who will make you laugh. The hurt eventually goes away, but it does take time.
Too true...I cried for a week and didn't eat much for 2 days...but then he's my first guy you know. When I started going out with him, I began writing poetry and song lyrics for him and for the relationship - Whenever there's trouble, that's when my creativity was at its best. I find that writing my heart out as well as crying work - Whne you look back a while later, there's something to marvel over. Also, I do things which I'm good at, like jogging and writing cursive (ppl say I can write for Hallmark lol). Generally, if one's still at school, I advise the library - It's a haven, when you excel academically, you'll feel on top of the world. It's also my haven, because all my friends abandoned me in year 8 and now I've ended up much better than they have (This fact also made my breakup in year 10 - my ex liked my best friend at the time - a bit easier 'cos you say to yourself: I've been thru something nasty already). When it happend in year 10, one of my friends also went thru the same thing, two friends actually, and Nicole Kidman hehehe. So I had emotional support from mum as well as people in the same boat. Another method is grooming - after all the tears and bawling, get a facial, soak in a bath, listen to classical music...and finally, yes, keep eyes peeled for more guys when the heart's healed - Don't rush it - It's a hard process - esp when he gets a girlfriend etc...I took a whole year before I could talk to him properly, even so, nowadays (in the same uni) I still like to show that I'm living a great life without him - just to make him go: Damn!