I use to have BAAAAAAAAAAD acne, my doctor prescribed my this treatment:
Minomycin tablets
Differen cream to use on my face
plus face wash called Cetaphil (not prescribtion)
Totally worked, my face is 100000% clear now.
Last I checked Minomycin is a tetracycline; so... how was the nausea, vertigo, vomiting, diarrhea, yeast infections ('thrush'), rashes, itch, photosensitivity, liver infection, etc.?
I swear, those drugs will take their toll in time - but you did say bad acne.

Don't scare me like that.
Unless I trust a GP personally, I don't trust him/her. Same applies for surgeons and specialists, etc.
Doctor yourself (when get the MD, MBBS BCh, MBBS, or BMed), and others, because that's what you do, and should do.
To be fair, you're quite right; what I'm saying is obviously exaggerated.
Oh, what causes acne?
You know, typical stuff; blockage of sebacious oil glands in the skin, preventing the outflow of sebum (oil). Usually blocked by something like dirt or dead skin, or by a thickening and/or excess production of the sebacious oil.
The sebacious duct becomes blocked, the gland becomes dilated and inflamed, and hurray, you get an infection!
It's normal, just like your hormones; incidentally, they're an aggravating factor, as are stress (resulting from your psyche or disease) and numerous other normal things.