Ban on Gay Marriage (2 Viewers)

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under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
Originally posted by Ziff
Shouldn't homosexuals have been bred out by now? Why do they still exist?
i propose that consciousness gives people the choice, and that is a trait that cannot be simply bred out


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Obviously not true. Police arrest people pre-emptively all the time.

They can arrest them pre-emptively, but unless its conspiracy to <insert crime>, intention to <insert crime> and they can prove it beyond all reasonable doubt there is nothing that can be done about it, which effectively makes their pre-emptiveness relatively useless. And entirely useless in this matter.

If homosexuals can marry regardless of the law, how is a Howard move to ban gay marriage going to affect them? Why are you bothering to participate in this debate?

Law is an integral part of what constitutes a marriage.
Howards ban will stop them from being seen as married under the law. Nothing can stop them going thru the motions of marriage and being seen in the eyes of their familes and friends as married.. its the concept of a de facto relationship basically. And de facto relationships are seen in the eyes of the law in similar terms as marriages (as long as they comply with certain conditions of course). Law is not an integral part of marriage. Law is just what makes it binding if it comes before a court (divorce, crim procedings etc). Law doesnt affect the marriage per se.. Love is an integral part of marriage.. like respect and equality law does not rank amongst these.

Gay marriage being change for the better is strictly your opinion. So is the law being wrong. I challenge you to prove otherwise.
I believe it says somewhere that the law should evolve with society, it should reflect societies beliefs and that everyone should be seen equally within the eyes of the law, regardless of race, gender, sexuality or any other discriminatory factor. Both of those points are foundations upon which our legal system is founded.. and if Howard follows thru.. if the government follows thru. Then they'll have just opened up themselves to alot of trouble because it is discrimination, it is wrong and society is evolving but the law is not. If it does go ahead, perhaps the law is going into a steeper decline than previous acknowledged.

Most scientific studies would tend to disagree with the idea of being 'born gay'. Most scientific studies would also disagree with the idea of choice. However, most scientific studies would agree that homosexuality develops out of a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.

Despite criticisms of selection bias, there is a biological basis for sexual orientation, either structural or genetic, that has be repeatedly demonstrated.

There is also a role in environmental factors.

So far, neither nature nor nurture can be conclusively shown to be deterministic of sexual orientation.
And until a proper decision can be reached each to his own. And regardless neither side will be happy when a decision is reached, much less with whatever results any experiments come up with.. someone always has another opinon. *shrugs*

This would be because people with grey eyes can fuck. People with grey eyes have always been able to fuck. People with grey eyes can probably fuck as well as you do.
Everyone can fuck. Homosexual or heterosexual. Both can reproduce.

You're obviously not thinking about it deeply enough. If you are gay from birth, you will be attracted only to other men and or women, depending on your sex. This means you will be unable to breed. If you are unable to breed, this will mean you are unable to pass on your genetic material to the next generation. This means the 'gay gene' will disappear.
Homosexuals are not unable to breed, they are human and hence born with the same reproductive system as everyone else. And the 'gay gene' as it is so named, has been around for a long time and it still hasnt bred out. I think that means atleast for a little while longer.. its staying.

So a gay man CAN have sex with women, but just CHOOSES to have sex with other men?
Anyone can fuck who they want. Fuck a man, fuck a woman, fuck a kid, fuck a goat. Nothing to stop you from fucking you who you want (technically, lets ignore consent.. age etc for the moment k)

Please define homosexuality. I always thought homosexuals didn't have sex with women. You seem to be confusing a bisexual with a homosexual.

n : a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex [syn: homosexualism, homoeroticism, gayness]


adj : sexually attracted to members of your own sex [ant: bisexual, heterosexual] n : someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex [syn: homo, gay]

And you seem to be confusing homosexuals with only male homosexuals. There are the female variety as well you know. Homosexuality is as much a state of mind as it is a way of life. You are NOT a homosexual if you fuck a member of the same sex once because it was a dare, because you thought it might be fun or because you wanted to mess around with ur buddies heads. If this is you, i'd invest in a dictionary and look up pansexual.

You ARE a homosexual (in the eyes of society) if you have a member of the same sex as you life partner, if you engage in sexual activity on a regular basis with members of the same sex and if you are attracted to said same sex.

Bisexuality is another realm entirely. It sits between homo and hetero and dips into either at whim.

Just because you had sex with someone of the same sex doesnt mean your homo, just as much as having sex with the opposite sex means ur hetero. It doesn't work like that.

Occuring naturally doesn't mean something is right. Hell, incest occurs naturally, and I don't see you campeigning to allow my grandmother to toss my salad. Why, I think you'd be quite opposed to it.
What you do in ur 'family time' is all up to you. Whatever rocks ur boat mate. Nature is nature for a reason, if it survives it has earned the right to survive (battle of the fittests etc etc)
True some people think that just because it is in nature its not right, but thats just opinion. A tornado is a part nature, doesn't make it right or wrong. A cat is a part of nature doesn't make their survival any more right or wrong.

Maybe so, but laws are made based on what the majority feels. How could it be elsewise?
Its called a dictatorship. Also ask the residents in china, i'm sure as much as they want to give oral sex to their partners there must be a very large majority against it.. i mean since the law is there...

Males are human. Females are human. Therefore, females are the same thing as males?
yes human. I have a black cat and a white one.. they're still both cats. I have a lemonade and a coke.. yet both are still drinks.
Feb 21, 2004
I'm about to sleep, so I will get back to the other stuff later, but you keep stating that homosexuals can fuck, and do fuck, women.

While I don't deny that it is physically possible, which it is of course, you are implying that homosexual men can easily have sex with women IF THEY WANTED TO, but yet they CHOOSE NOT TOO. Ergo, homosexuality is a choice.

Except you say it's not. Please explain.

Oh, and do you have any examples of homosexuals who actively fuck women?


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
Originally posted by George W. Bush
Males are human. Females are human. Therefore, females are the same thing as males?
gender equality anyone?

Originally posted by George W. Bush
Most scientific studies would also disagree with the idea of choice.
there have been scientific studies into choice? could you point any my way?
Feb 21, 2004
Will do it now, anyway.

Originally posted by eviltama
They can arrest them pre-emptively, but unless its conspiracy to <insert crime>, intention to <insert crime> and they can prove it beyond all reasonable doubt there is nothing that can be done about it, which effectively makes their pre-emptiveness relatively useless. And entirely useless in this matter.

a) You weren't talking about gay marriage.
b) So police don't arrest people pre-emptively? LOL.

Howards ban will stop them from being seen as married under the law.
Name a homosexual relationship in Australia that is currently recognised by the law as marriage.

Law is not an integral part of marriage. Law is just what makes it binding if it comes before a court (divorce, crim procedings etc). Law doesnt affect the marriage per se.. Love is an integral part of marriage.. like respect and equality law does not rank amongst these.
So what difference is there between me loving a woman and living with her for the rest of my life, having a family, etc. and me getting married to a woman, loving her for the rest of my life, having a family etc.


I ask you this, if marriage isn't religious, and it isn't legal, WHAT IS IT?

I believe it says somewhere that the law should evolve with society, it should reflect societies beliefs
If society believed gays should marry, how come there is a debate?

and that everyone should be seen equally within the eyes of the law, regardless of race, gender, sexuality or any other discriminatory factor.
So the legal system shouldn't descriminate against a criminal?

Then they'll have just opened up themselves to alot of trouble because it is discrimination, it is wrong and society is evolving but the law is not.
It isn't descrimination. Everybody has the same right. They can marry any member of the opposite sex they want. What you want to do is give a minority group an extra right. Something being right or wrong is just your opinion, as you've said before. Society doesn't accept gay marriage because otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Homosexuals are not unable to breed, they are human and hence born with the same reproductive system as everyone else. And the 'gay gene' as it is so named, has been around for a long time and it still hasnt bred out. I think that means atleast for a little while longer.. its staying.
You said people were gay from birth. People who are gay from birth do not have sex with women. See above.

Anyone can fuck who they want. Fuck a man, fuck a woman, fuck a kid, fuck a goat. Nothing to stop you from fucking you who you want
Yes, but I don't fuck goats. I don't fuck kids. I don't fuck men. I don't fuck dead people. Just because I can, doesn't mean I do. In the same way, gays do not fuck women. If they were able to 'get it up' and impregnate a woman, they wouldn't be gay.

And you seem to be confusing homosexuals with only male homosexuals. There are the female variety as well you know.
This is a pointless point. You know very well in other parts of my post I was deliberatly gender neutral. Even if I only talked about male homosexuals, are you somehow implying that two lesbians can get togeather and impregnate each other? Also, your definition says nothing about having sex with women. I don't know where you got this homos fuck women idea from, but I don't think it happens in the real world. Forget about the lesbians for a second.

You are NOT a homosexual if you fuck a member of the same sex once because it was a dare, because you thought it might be fun or because you wanted to mess around with ur buddies heads.
If you are sexually attracted to th same sex, you are a homosexual. Fuck what society sees about you, fuck how often you have sex, it matters WHAT TURNS YOU ON.

True some people think that just because it is in nature its not right, but thats just opinion. A tornado is a part nature, doesn't make it right or wrong. A cat is a part of nature doesn't make their survival any more right or wrong.
Obviously I'm not trying to say that because something is natural makes it wrong, you idiot. This is what you said:
There are many species of animal within which the males live with the males and only use the females for reproduction of prodgeny. It doesn't make it wrong in human society much less in nature.
You are implying that because some animals are gay, it is right for a man to be gay.

Its called a dictatorship.
Do we live in a dictatorship? Aren't we discussing Australian law? What the fuck are you talking about? Do you just purposely think of some irrelevant point to disagree with me on? Is Australia China? Stop making stupid points. Just like that female homosexual thing.

yes human. I have a black cat and a white one.. they're still both cats. I have a lemonade and a coke.. yet both are still drinks.
Yes, but they're not the same fucking cat. It's not the same fucking drink. I can't stress how stupid you are being here: you are disagreeing with:
Homosexuals are different to heterosexuals because they aren't heterosexual.
Just because they're both human doesn't mean they aren't different.
Feb 21, 2004
Originally posted by crazyhomo
gender equality anyone?
He is disagreeing with the statement that homos are different to heteros. Just because men and women are entitled to equal rites doesn't make them the same thing.

there have been scientific studies into choice? could you point any my way?
Uh, try looking vertically downwards from where you quoted that from. If it's not from where I think it's from, look at page 4.


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by George W. Bush
I'm about to sleep, so I will get back to the other stuff later, but you keep stating that homosexuals can fuck, and do fuck, women.

While I don't deny that it is physically possible, which it is of course, you are implying that homosexual men can easily have sex with women IF THEY WANTED TO, but yet they CHOOSE NOT TOO. Ergo, homosexuality is a choice.

Except you say it's not. Please explain.

Oh, and do you have any examples of homosexuals who actively fuck women?
First and foremost the term 'Homosexual' DOES NOT only mean men.
Now assuming we are referring to male homosexuals, yes they can fuck women.. its physically possible etc etc, but just because you fuck a women doesnt mean your straight. It doesnt mean you're bi. It means you are fucking a female. Nothing more. nothing less. The choice is to fuck or not to fuck, not if i fuck a woman i'm hetero so should i do it if i plan to continue being seen as a homosexual.

As i said in one of the posts above, homosexuality is as much a lifestyle as it is a state of mind. If you think you're a homosexual, you think you act like one (and no im not refering to stereotypes here), you make your life with your partner who happens to be of the same sex and you engage in sexual relations with said partner... then you are a homosexual. To death do us part etc etc etc.

Now you can be a heterosexual who engages in sexual activities with a member of the same sex (orges, 3sums and what like). You live your life as a hetero, your friends see you as hetero and most importantly you see yourself as hetero.

That is your difference.

As for examples... unless you are a major movie star or the like most peoples sexual exploits stay private. And with homosexuals its no different, if not perhaps more private than most.(Tho most stars will admit to bisexuality before homosexuality... eg george micheals, david bowie, elton john, anne heche, rosie o'donnell)


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
Originally posted by George W. Bush
Uh, try looking vertically downwards from where you quoted that from. If it's not from where I think it's from, look at page 4.
sorry, i misunderstood what you were referring to. i thought you meant choice as in free will, not choice as in the ability to choose your sexuality
Feb 21, 2004
Originally posted by eviltama
First and foremost the term 'Homosexual' DOES NOT only mean men.
'Homos' is a Greek word meaning same. i.e. Homosexual -> same sex.

It means you are fucking a female. Nothing more. nothing less.
No, idiot, homosexuals aren't sexually oriented towards women. Assuming you are straight, can you honestly tell me that you could fuck a man if you wanted to? You could get an erection over having sex with a man? If so, you aren't straight, by your own fucking definition.

If you think you're a homosexual, you think you act like one (and no im not refering to stereotypes here), you make your life with your partner who happens to be of the same sex and you engage in sexual relations with said partner... then you are a homosexual.
You can't even agree with yourself. You defined homosexuality from a dictionary, and it said nothing about living with a same sex partner. Fuck, you just wrote a paragraph saying that having sex with a man doesn't make you gay. How is living with a man and having sex with him any different? Try and come up with a consistant argument, or just face that IF YOU ARE A MAN AND YOU FUCK MEN, YOU ARE GAY.

Now you can be a heterosexual who engages in sexual activities with a member of the same sex (orges, 3sums and what like). You live your life as a hetero, your friends see you as hetero and most importantly you see yourself as hetero.
If you fuck a man, you are gay. If you fuck a man in a 3some, you are gay. If you fuck a man at an orgy, you are gay. If you are stimulated by the idea of fucking a woman while another man is fucking her, that doesn't make you gay. What matters is where you want to stick your penis.

(Tho most stars will admit to bisexuality before homosexuality... eg george micheals, david bowie, elton john, anne heche, rosie o'donnell)
Which disproves your 'gay from birth' theory. Homosexuality is a subset of bisexuality.


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
dubya: although you probably realise this, i think what evil is trying to say is that homosexuality is an emotional thing rather than a physical thing, so who you have sex with is completely irrelevant
Feb 21, 2004
Originally posted by crazyhomo
dubya: although you probably realise this, i think what evil is trying to say is that homosexuality is an emotional thing rather than a physical thing, so who you have sex with is completely irrelevant
It's emotional in the sense of the feeling you get when you look at a naked man or a naked woman, I'll agree. It's not who you fuck, but who you actually want to fuck. Emotion has nothing to do with it - am I not straight if I just want to fuck a hot chick but I don't love her?


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
Originally posted by George W. Bush
It's emotional in the sense of the feeling you get when you look at a naked man or a naked woman, I'll agree. It's not who you fuck, but who you actually want to fuck. Emotion has nothing to do with it - am I not straight if I just want to fuck a hot chick but I don't love her?
are you straight if you can only love men, but will only fuck chicks?


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
Originally posted by crazyhomo
are you straight if you can only love men, but will only fuck chicks?
no you would just be a confused footy player


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Name a homosexual relationship in Australia that is currently recognised by the law as marriage.
there is none currently, but several are in court at the moment. all are awaiting with baited breath for the judgement.

I ask you this, if marriage isn't religious, and it isn't legal, WHAT IS IT?
Its a union between two people who love each other enough to want to spend the rest of their lives together. Grow old, have kids and live happily ever after.To death do us part, thru sickness and in health for the rest of our lives. Does it sound familiar?

If society believed gays should marry, how come there is a debate?
because everyone has an opinion. everyone wants their opinion heard and no one is happy unless they think its the right thing to do. society thinks the tampa incident was wrong but there is still debate over it. A debate allows the flow of ideas and opinions to be seen and to be heard. It doesnt mean that society leans one way because most of the people talking lean that way. silent majority etc etc. not everyone feels the need to vent as such. for some debating the topic as such is wrong because opinions should be kept private.. but all that goes to prove is each to his own.

So the legal system shouldn't descriminate against a criminal?
Of course not, the legal system "should" be free of bias and discrimination.

It isn't descrimination. Everybody has the same right. They can marry any member of the opposite sex they want. What you want to do is give a minority group an extra right. Something being right or wrong is just your opinion, as you've said before. Society doesn't accept gay marriage because otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion.
No i dont want to give a minority group an extra right, i want to give people who are homosexuals the same rights that have been denied from them, based on discrimination against the fact that they are homosexuals. Being homosexual doesn't mean you are any less of a person than a heterosexual or that you are any less capable or able to be able to decide when and to whom you wish to marry. Why should they be discriminated against, and have that right which heterosexuals believe is a stock standard right, not given to them becuase they happen to love someone of the same sex. It doesnt mean their love is any weaker, any less withstanding, any less real than the love felt between a heterosexual couple and it has been shown statisticallty that homosexual couples stay together longer than heterosexual couples. And the divorce/split rate is lower in homosexuals than in heterosexuals.

You said people were gay from birth. People who are gay from birth do not have sex with women. See above.
So lesbians don't count as homosexuals? And heterosexuals can't have sex with a member of the same sex because it'd make them homosexuals. Get a clue mate.

Yes, but I don't fuck goats. I don't fuck kids. I don't fuck men. I don't fuck dead people. Just because I can, doesn't mean I do. In the same way, gays do not fuck women. If they were able to 'get it up' and impregnate a woman, they wouldn't be gay.
once again.. gay isnt a male only club. And once again having sex with a chick doesnt mean you are any more or less 'gay' than you were before you did her. How many homosexuals do you think hav wives and kids and live like heterosexuals because of stereotypes and ignorant people? it doesn't make them any less homosexual. they are still attracted to men and perhaps they fuck men on the side in private, while keeping their wife and kids out of it. Its called the closet and alot of people are in it because they have to keep up their heterosexual appearances becuase their friends and family live in the dark ages.

This is a pointless point. You know very well in other parts of my post I was deliberatly gender neutral. Even if I only talked about male homosexuals, are you somehow implying that two lesbians can get togeather and impregnate each other? Also, your definition says nothing about having sex with women. I don't know where you got this homos fuck women idea from, but I don't think it happens in the real world. Forget about the lesbians for a second.
you've been using gay and women as ur examples.. which implies gay men and well females.. which isnt gender neutral. Homosexuality is a gender neutral word. And yes 2 lesbians can impregnate each other.. which male sperm. If of course they can get thier hands on it (eg The L Word). Mate anyone can fuck a woman. It doesnt mean ur homo or hetero.. it just means u've fucked a woman.

If you are sexually attracted to th same sex, you are a homosexual. Fuck what society sees about you, fuck how often you have sex, it matters WHAT TURNS YOU ON.
there are straight men who are turned on by men, yet are still straight. (most probably because they don't tell anyone) And it does matter how society sees you, and how you see yourself.

Obviously I'm not trying to say that because something is natural makes it wrong, you idiot. This is what you said:

You are implying that because some animals are gay, it is right for a man to be gay.
Is it wrong for a man to have feelings for another man? No. Is it then wrong for a man to be attracted to another man? No. I implied that yes in nature there are homosexual animals, and so then that reflection is also seen in humans.. as we evolved from animals some time ago. It didnt breed out, it didn't dissappear and its still as much alive in nature as it is in humans.

Do we live in a dictatorship? Aren't we discussing Australian law? What the fuck are you talking about? Do you just purposely think of some irrelevant point to disagree with me on? Is Australia China? Stop making stupid points. Just like that female homosexual thing.
its not an irrelevant point. Oral sex is illegal in China, it doesnt mean that the society the legal system works for (is supposed to work for) agrees with the law. That was my point. And we might as well be living in a dictatorship if simple rights afforded to every person are going to be taken away from a select few based on the criterior of sexuality.

Yes, but they're not the same fucking cat. It's not the same fucking drink. I can't stress how stupid you are being here: you are disagreeing with:
Just because they're both human doesn't mean they aren't different.
a human is human, regardless of gender.
a man is a man regardless of sexuality.
homosexuality is different in defintion from heterosexuality, but it doesnt make them any more or less male or female, or any more or less a human.


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by George W. Bush
He is disagreeing with the statement that homos are different to heteros. Just because men and women are entitled to equal rites doesn't make them the same thing.
but men and women are still human. thus equal.


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by George W. Bush
It's emotional in the sense of the feeling you get when you look at a naked man or a naked woman, I'll agree. It's not who you fuck, but who you actually want to fuck. Emotion has nothing to do with it - am I not straight if I just want to fuck a hot chick but I don't love her?
No one said u had to love the chick to fuck her. But if you make a life with a female, fuck said female and think ur straight.. then ur straight.


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
'Homos' is a Greek word meaning same. i.e. Homosexual -> same sex.
homo is also latin for man. Yet the word homosexual is gender neutral and refers to both male and female, hence leaning towards the greek meaning in favour of the latin. Depening on ur dictionary and state of mind most people use it to refer to both sexes and hence not only men.

No, idiot, homosexuals aren't sexually oriented towards women. Assuming you are straight, can you honestly tell me that you could fuck a man if you wanted to? You could get an erection over having sex with a man? If so, you aren't straight, by your own fucking definition.
Attraction isnt the only defining factor of homosexuality. It is a common stereotype, but then again according to stereotype all westies are abos and theives. I am neither.

You can't even agree with yourself. You defined homosexuality from a dictionary, and it said nothing about living with a same sex partner. Fuck, you just wrote a paragraph saying that having sex with a man doesn't make you gay. How is living with a man and having sex with him any different? Try and come up with a consistant argument, or just face that IF YOU ARE A MAN AND YOU FUCK MEN, YOU ARE GAY.
you can live in a dorm with men and not have sex and be gay, you can also live in that dorm not have sex and be gay. you can also live in said dorm, have sex with ur dorm partners and you guessed it.. not be gay. I can live with my family.. doesnt mean i fuck them. I can live with a person of the opposite sex, doesnt mean i fuck them. I can have sex with a person of the oppsite sex.. doesn't mean i'd ever want to live with them. The only person who has to face facts here is you. FUCKING A MAN DOES NOT MAKE YOU GAY. FUCKING A CHICK DOES NOT MAKE YOU STRAIGHT (if ur a male).

If you fuck a man, you are gay. If you fuck a man in a 3some, you are gay. If you fuck a man at an orgy, you are gay. If you are stimulated by the idea of fucking a woman while another man is fucking her, that doesn't make you gay. What matters is where you want to stick your penis.
Where you shove ur dick is ur perogative and it does not define your sexuality. Not by itself at any rate.

Which disproves your 'gay from birth' theory. Homosexuality is a subset of bisexuality.
Wrong yet again. You see Heterosexuality sits over here, Bisexuality sits in the middle and Homosexuality sits opposite Heterosexuality.
If .. very big IF homosexuality is a subset of bisexuality.. so is heterosexuality. Either way homo and hetero sit on oppsite ends of the sexuality scale.
and as for my 'gay' from birth theory.. while ur genes may tell you ur attracted to males... its you who decide who u'd rather fuck, attraction or not. You can be a homosexual attracted to males, fucking a woman. You can be straight fucking a man. Genes can be ignored to an extent.. in the end tho its just lying to urself and defeats the purpose.


Active Member
Oct 11, 2002
that is a really annoying av evil tama

anyway there a biological factors to how homosexual exist. thought they may appear to be male/female the biochemistry in their brains may be of the opposite sex which is why they may be predisposed to be attracted to the same sex alway well as some environment influences


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by crazyhomo
are you straight if you can only love men, but will only fuck chicks?
You're in denial is what you are.. either that or you in the closet.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
So having sex with a man will not make you a homosexual?

Interesting theory. So if a man can get an erection over another man clearly that does mean they are homosexual?

A straight man can't get an erection over another man. In fact, the thought is so revoluting the straight man would nearly puke. Yet if he did wack it in, he'd still be straight? I find that a little hard and stupid to believe.

You get an erection over what stimulates you, if a man can stimulate another man then - homosexual!
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