Hey, i dont mind answering any questions at all. In terms of content i only just started this year so i have done roughly 5 weeks but basically the degree is a bachelor of science for the first few years. That means you do a chem, maths, bio and then a science elective of which i do psychology. you can choose the degree of difficulty for each of those and also the types of topic you want to study e.g. in biology there is concepts of biology ad human biology. its good in this way though because it means if you haven't done one of these subjects for hsc e.g. chem there is a fundamentals of chem course that starts from the beginning.
Its quite interesting, very science based obviously which is quite a change from hsc when you do a bit of everything. but the way each subject is structured is good although everything moves at fast pace.
to be honest, i have only met one person studying the same degree as me because most of your classes are just with people who are studying bachelor of science, advanced science etc. she heard somewhere that they only accepted 10 domestic students this year which is why we never come across people doing the degree... not sure if thats right though. the ATAR is high, but if you work hard you will get it, i never in a million years would have thought i would and i did so there seriously is hope!!!