Depends on what time the lectures and tutorials are offered. I'm pretty sure you'd get a day off considering economics doesn't have that many contact hours. Have you tried creating a draft timetable yet? It should give you a fair idea of what you are up for. just called up the School of Economics, and they told me that it would be around 4-5 days a week. Is this true??? 4-5 days a week for only 12 contact hrs?!
The problem is that some subjects don't have tutorials on the 2 days that I have fit my lectures in to.So are the tutorials offered on the same day as the lectures or do they end up clashing with a certain lecture? :S
ADD ON: My friend had his clashes 'exempted' - not sure of the proper term to use. This is when he was able to attend the tutorial that clashed with a certain lecture. But he had his reasons to do so - if this is the case you can try and get the clashes 'exempted'.
Wow, that's quite a lot for B Eco... do we get the opportunity to alter our timetables?4 days is fairly standard for first year. While it ultimately depends on the subjects you choose, you can probably expect to go down to three days from second year onwards.
YesWow, that's quite a lot for B Eco... do we get the opportunity to alter our timetables?