Realistically, what marks would i need to obtain for a 95+ with the following subjects:
Advanced English
General Math
An ATAR of 95 is quite a high ATAR. Because of this, it would be reasonable to suggest aiming to perform at the highest possible band across all of those subjects. A low band 6 in each of your subjects, that is, at least 90, would maximise your chances of receiving an ATAR of at least 95. From this point, the higher the desired ATAR becomes from 95, the higher the marks that would be needed for that particular ATAR. For instance, instead of aiming for marks in the low band 6 range, your goal may become aiming to score marks in the mid to high (the latter being especially true for ATARs closer to 99) band 6 range.
In terms of specific marks, you may wish to use the following as a guide only, as the exact marks needed for a particular ATAR may change slightly each year:
- English Advanced - 90
- Mathematics Standard - 91
- Legal Studies - 91
- Modern History - 90
- Business Studies - 91
Of course, you may find that you are not able to attain a band 6 in a particular subject, but may be able to score a mark in the high band 6 range in another subject, in which case the outcome will likely be similar. An example of this would be achieving a mark in the mid or high band 5 range in English Advanced, but achieving a mark in the mid or high band 6 range in Business Studies.
In achieving this goal, it would be good to do your utmost to rank as high as possible relative to your cohort in each of your subjects once you start year 12. The higher your ranks, the better your position will be as you approach your HSC exams.
I hope this helps!