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School rank: Average 60 over past couple of years, but I think the cohort is going to perform not as well this year, so probs high end under 100.
Internal rank/Raw estimate (taking worst-middle case scenario)
English Adv: 7/51 - 88/105
Business: 2/23 - 92/100
Biology: 1/11 - 92/100
MX1: 6/12 (less than 0.1% from 5) - 55/70
MX2: 4/5 (less than 0.3% from 3) - 55/100
Internal rank/Raw estimate (taking worst-middle case scenario)
English Adv: 7/51 - 88/105
Business: 2/23 - 92/100
Biology: 1/11 - 92/100
MX1: 6/12 (less than 0.1% from 5) - 55/70
MX2: 4/5 (less than 0.3% from 3) - 55/100
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