My good fellow, if I may be so bold as to ask a favour from thyself, to kindly give me an ATAR estimate.
My learning institution is ranked around 90-100 and I fear that my trial performances may have undoubtedly hindered my future ambitions.
The subjects undertaken and the performances outcome are given below...
prithee don't judge me intellectually, for my ability to do jack shit far outweighs my motivation to study
In saying this, I solemnly swear to literally work my ass off for the HSC.
English - ESL - 3/45 (89%)
Maths 2U - 56/123 (72%)
Maths 3U - 52/66 (29%) <-- Probably omitted from my ATAR calculations
Physics - 21/60 (82%)
Chemistry - 19/60 (80%)
Biology - 25/60 (79%)
My learning institution is ranked around 90-100 and I fear that my trial performances may have undoubtedly hindered my future ambitions.
The subjects undertaken and the performances outcome are given below...
prithee don't judge me intellectually, for my ability to do jack shit far outweighs my motivation to study
In saying this, I solemnly swear to literally work my ass off for the HSC.
English - ESL - 3/45 (89%)
Maths 2U - 56/123 (72%)
Maths 3U - 52/66 (29%) <-- Probably omitted from my ATAR calculations
Physics - 21/60 (82%)
Chemistry - 19/60 (80%)
Biology - 25/60 (79%)