Yeah, we've currently got two!
"Compose two visual tasks such as a collage, drawing or painting or use a graphics package. One visual text is to characterise Skrzynecki's physical journey as he represents it in his poetry. The second visual text should represent your personal physical journey(s) to this date.
Write an analysis of your own compositions that clearly outlines the relationship between your textual choices and context, purpose, audience and mode of upblication. This analysis must be between 250 - 300 words in length.
You must provide evidence of your research through an extensive bibliography and the provision of two texts of your own choosing appropriate to Physical Journey's and the task.
Each text MUST be annotated.
Write an analysis of BOTH texts that clearly outlines the relationship between textual features and context, purpose, audience and mode of publication. This analysis must be between 250 - 300 words."
Then we got another one due week two of first term next yr!
"This task requires you to represent an author or a character from any of the Stimulus Booklet's texts. You will be required to perform as this character (in class) and will be required to represent this character, not only through what you say, but also through your appearance which will include costume and body language. It may also be necessary to copy the character's or author's language patterns.
Find a text of your own choosing that complements the representation of physical journeys your character or author experiences. As that person explain to the class why you chose this text and how it helped you to further understand the concepts explored in the original text."