Don't the essay questions always let you choose one out of ten?
Well, extension english won't help much if you are doing your case studies on the Old Masters and Impressionists... but it sure would be great for those stupid postmodern artists .. oo how i hate them *shakes fist*. Postmodern is so yesterday anyway, western society's social structure can't be decomposed anymore than it has, even race isn't a big issue anymore. We live in the age of the internet, the age of mechanised furbies, the age of Homer Simpson. We are the pre-neo-post-de-modernists.
So anyway, the best way to study for art is to brush up on your art terms and large confounding and possibly french words such as apotheosis, joissance, mise-en-scene, culturally propounding social perception, antidisestablishmentarianism.
And of course, synonyms and big adjectives:
Image = Symbols, signifier, concept, idea, expression, portrayal ... lalala
Many words for the same colour: i.e.
Red = crimson, alizarin, rosy, blood, sanguine, red as rudolf's nose, red like pale skin after a big spanking, red like a red crayon.
Art terms -> brushwork, Chiaro Scuro, contrast, technique, form, structure, shape, colour, tone, gradient, aesthetics, vibrant, vivid, blah.