Hmm. Am i ready to "put the 'h' in front of sc?" I think so. I mean, obviously the thought of being a senior and doing the HSC is rather daunting, but at the same time i must say i'm glad to finally be moving on, year 10 became really monotonous for me towards the, and i got so sick of hearing about the bloody 'school cert.' However, i'm definately going to enjoy these holidays as they are, in a sense, the last holiday i;m going to have for another two whole years, during which my social life will spiral into non-existance, my room will be cluttered with textbooks and my mind will be crammed with facts and figures i'll probably never use again after the HSC.
Despite all this, i feel ready. Ready for the senior years. Ready for the stress. Ready for the textbooks. At most of all, ready to finally get out of the education system (well..not really considering university is just another educational institution where there torture continues..)
Nevertheless, i wish everyone the best of are all smarties judging from your school cert. marks, and i conjecture that you will all do brilliantly. And i am now going to terminate this post because its starting to sound almost as corny as my school cert. speech ("Imagine a day where hope and daring are all we need to build bridges) pfft.