Memorise like at least 20 to 30 different techniques. Like every text has so many different types of techniques some of which are obvious to see, if you know what it is (look in my signature have a free techniques sheet).
In terms of answering the questions my tutor recommended doing a small paragraph a mark, like around 50 words. In this paragraph you would have a idea, quote (s), technique (maybe multiple as sometimes as just one quote could feature like 2 or 3 techniques that support each other), analysis based on rubric and then link this back to the question. This approach works well for all the 2-4 markers.
For the longer responses you should include a small intro like 2 to 3 sentences, a small paragraph a mark per text like above for the body paragraphs, but add in like an extra 1.5-2 small paragraphs in total (will come out to probably like 1 and a half -2 pages (depending on writing), and the conclusion literally can be like 1 sentence.
Overall though for these questions just keep linking back to the rubric by using words and phrases from it and you should easily get above a 12/15