Just read your essay and the best way to improve it is to fix your introduction. Your first paragraph needs to set up your whole essay, so make it as good as you can. Sometimes it can be two paragraphs. State what a journey is then how an imaginative journey is more than that. REFERENCE your texts properly. "Title" (author, publisher, date).
As far as I could see you had one concept to prove in your essay. 'in any one Imaginative Journey, the travellers may experience different viewpoints of the experience, and in which case being affected by the journey in a different way.' Perhaps could be two there and they seem fairly vague.
I suggest three concepts. And you must relate the concepts back to journeys and the essay question. I haven't studied 'The Tempest' or 'The Arrival' so can't help much there, but text 7 in stim bklet i've seen before.
You say '
Here, enjambment and long sentences are used to give a sense of continuity and movement through the passage, resembling the flow of an imaginative journey. ' Perhaps you could use 'imaginative journeys are a natural flow of the imagination' as a concept. That text is a good start- but you must back up each concept with at least two texts.
If you need more help, don't hesitate to ask.
Good luck
Hope this gets to you before the exam tomorrow. lol