The existing NSW graduated licensing system is being adopted by most other states. (L, P1 and P2). Minor administrative and program variances apply. It might interest folk that it is in fact EU in some of its core-program source, its emphasis is on 'defensive' driving. Have a close look at the state and territory driver handbooks, even my Sig as to a hint of that.
Advanced driver training on the other hand is left for interested individuals, security forces, and protective services.
Back in December 15, 2004 the Commonwealth kicked off the 'National Driver Training Scheme' with NSW and VIC as initial partners, hence you see the harmonisation of licensing unfolding.
Of course, the system does not re-check older road users, say those like myself above age 40, 'yet'. Issue here of politics and fear of electoral backlash. On that thought, we could perhaps re-test 'repeat offenders' or those who are penalised for having had a crash vis; - by have them do a seperate defensive driver course- at their cost etc. Ways and means.
Trent fella needs to know that NO quota system exists whatsoever. The on road test does contain a few automatic 'instant fail' items, so even if your score if 99% AND you make that one mistake the tester is obliged to fail you.
Certain things you must get 'right', and hopefully continue doing so after passing, and that includes a driver candidates 'attitude'- that represents 'behaviour'.