Yr 11 is the same as yr10, except i don't have crap subject like PE, Australian History, Australian Geography. Unfortunately english is still compulsary, and it's still as crap as ever.
The work load is exactly the same as in year 10,9,8 and 7, but thats because i've basically never done homework in my life, and i don't intend to start. After all, the teachers have given up on making me do homework, cause my marks are great in all smart subjects (meaning my english marks are obscene). All i have to worry about is a few tests, and the occasional short assignment i do on the day it's due. English is a drag as always. People who do 4u english have some mental problem, nobody who's smart would do it. About 3 people in Ruse would do it. I hope the people who made english compulsary for the HSC suffer a lot for what they've done to us. Everybody smart and sane hates english. I swear they're trying to give girls an advantage. In my school, we're put into two types of classes, the people who are good at english go into one type, and those who arn't go into another. My class is 100% boys and it's the one for people who are bad at english! Thats how much boys are supposed to suck at english. Most of the girls got into the "upper classes" not that i see how any of them are smart at any good scaling subject like 4u math, 3u math, chemistry, or physics. The people who are good at english all picked crap subjects like Design and Technology, Textiles, Engineering, Legal, Buisness, and other subjects which scale so bad it's impossible to get a scaled mark >90! OMG I hate english so much.
School has always been easy, but year 11 is even easier, because i don't have to listen to how white people were bad to the aboriginals, and i don't have to care about sport (I swear the PE teachers only knew how to play soccer). I hate english, and it sucks. Geez, why do they have to force me to do some stupid subject, which only girls are good at. Ahhgggg! i want to kill my english teachers. I abhore english!
I do:
English (Adv)

(Which sucks) (The teacher yelled at me for sleeping in her class, It's not my fault she was boring me to death with her idiotic ranting and nonsense. Besides, theres nothing wrong with sleeping in class. Shes just overly emotional, her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head when she lectured me about how if i sleep in class then i must somehow be stupid, (don't ask how, she didn't explain) even though i pwn everybody else in most other subjects. That english teacher must be so stupid.)
3u Math (Easy)
3u English (sucks almost as much as 2u english, but the teacher lets me sleep in class, unlike my 2u english teacher.)
Chemistry (Easy)
Physics (Easy, but the teacher won't let my sleep in his class for some reason, he's a bit strange, most of my other teacher let me sleep in his classes. He's weird.)
Economics (Soo easy, like 2u math, but easier, not that i expected that to be possible.)