Mel? Isnt your uni mail working or something? Thats where all the informations is coming from ... ie.
one of Psychsoc's biggest annual events is out Psychsoc Camp, this is a camp
(duh!) held over a weekend, where all of us crazy psychsoccers hop on a
train and head the the southern highlands for a weekend of non stop
partying!!! (oh yeah and we have a few academics coming along on the
saturday morning to talk to us about all things psych!!!!) we have a
lecturer, a phd student and masters student heading down to talk to us, it
should be awesome, interesting, and of course informative!
now, as exciting as the guest speakers will be (trust me they will be! last
year they were awesome, and this year they are bigger and better!!)... we
also have planned a P Party for the Saturday night, where EVERYONE has to
come dressed as something starting with the letter P, be you a pimp,
pornstar (i didn't steal that from the start of session party i swear!) or
and if thats not exciting enough for you, there's more... we also have some
activities planned for the saturday afternoon... these include canoeing and
giant swing!! oh and did i mention we are having trivia on friday night, as
well as many a drinking game (and its cool if you don't drink,some people
prefer pink lemonade!!!!
) and other crazy stuff....for those of you who
went last year....i don't think you'll forget going
sleeping-cow-pushing-over in the middle of the night in a hurry!
anyways, you should ALL come along, its really important in an area like
psychology that you get to meet lots of people especially if you are in
first year, PsychSoc camp is the perfect opportunity to do that! and most
people doing psych are pretty mad people anyway, why wouldn't you want to
meet them? it's a pretty laid back weekend,you can do whatever- and lots of
fun, and the perfect way to meet lots of people doing your degree who may be
in a different year, and get some advice from them, and find out how they
have survived the first few years doing psychology at unsw!!!
who knows you might head off to camp this year and come back with your new
best friends (it happened to a few of us running PsychSoc this year, at camp
last year!!)
hey, ok, well the general plan at the moment is we will be in the foyer of
clancy on monday afterthe 11am lecture (and after all other lectures except
experimental methodology throughout next week) come along then and you can
fill out the camp forms and also pay ur deposit or in full, whatever you
cabins... we'll basically sort those out when we get there... of course its
fine for u and ur gf to be in the same one, i think they each sleep about
ten ppl, but don't quote me on that one!
any other questions before monday, email us!
otherwise look forward to seeing you monday
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