But as for easy subjects - I agree, some of the "easy subjects" are not easy at all. I put so much more pressure on myself for textiles because I needed - and wanted - to do particularly well. "easier" subjects tend to have a much higher amount of people doing them, and thus, the competition is a heck of a lot higher.
I just picked the subjects I enjoyed, and just did as well as I could under the circumstances. And I talked to heaps and heaps of people - not only here on BOS, but in real life as well, asking them how they went, what they did and how they did it etc etc. But the answer is usually just the same - with the exception of giving you the name of a particularly good tutor or study guide - just do your absolute best, and when in doubt, TALK TO YOUR TEACHERS!!! lol.
We were so lucky, because the teachers encouraged us to talk to them outside of class about pretty much anything and everything, to the point where we have their mobile numbers, home numbers, email addresses, home addresses, and names of their children...
And I'm being serious!!! The only thing I don't have, is their credit numbers