bundy for me
ok my b/f and i broke up a week ago (he ended it) so i thought i should probably send him a msg or something to show that i don't hate him and still want to be friends - something along the lines of "hey was thinking about you and wondered how you were, are u in melb?" and he replied saying "yeah i'm ok, sitting infront of work as usual, how are you going?" - i reply with "i'm alright, had a good night tonight. talk to u later" - then like an hour later i get a msg from him saying "see ya" and that was it... what am i meant to think? is that just like oh i better say something so she doesn't think i'm being rude and not replying, or see ya as in "yeah whatever, i won't ever see her again..." i'm totally confused.... or am i just overanalyzing the situation (something that i'm very good at) and i need to get over it and realise that he didn't really mean anything by it