Tell me you are in High School without telling me you are in High School. I had a mate do a Business degree with me, he went down the accounting route and he was getting top grades. He lasted less than 6 months as an accountant and he became a pre-school teacher. He is living his best life and he isn't doing too bad either (him and his wife just bought a house in the Inner West). The whole idea that marks = better degree = better job = better life is overly simplistic. I mean, it can, but not always.dont listen to this brother thats how you end up as a marine biologist making 50k a year
Life is all about balance and solely focusing on career/making money isn't going to balance the scales. You need balance across all aspects of life (health, relationships, mindset, finance etc). You spend around a third of your life at work and if you hate it that will adversely impact the other aspects of life.