Ahmad Shah Style-Based Notes, Revised, Edited, Perfected. (2 Viewers)


Mar 16, 2008
Didnt have a flashy title, but had to draw your attention. Yes you will get whats expected, but just have a little read of my story first, you'll enjoy it i promise. Ive waited 3 years to write it.

Now that i think of it, year 12 that is, a massive black fog over-rides my thoughts, why? because i did it twice. I did my first hsc in 2009, achieved a UAI of 90.2, then finished in 2010 and got 97.65, and i did every single subject AGAIN from scratch, i didnt pick some marks from 09, to be used in 2010, as you can do that for the HSC. People often think i was retarded to do it, had the principles, head teachers (you know the generally fancy shit in society your meant to look up that have IQ levels of grapefruits) trying to rid me but they didnt, i say that because they usually throw the 'due to stastics you will most likey fail etc etc". Handy dandy, i still went on, despite everything being 'technically' against me.

1 Main reason i wanted to repeat your 12, is that no one told me 'the best' ways about doing things (or let me rephrase it 'a clear equation' to each subject that if followed will give a desirable result), every tom dick and harry giving different versions of their HSC, or your teachers will tell you how amazing and genetically gifted this 'asian' kid or how he has a 'master tutor', its all bullshit, you always had to sucuumb to the fact that 'his in Ruse' hell dwarf you, or his 'asian' his good at maths. I was never like that, no human has a feather on their head, and by the time i finished year 12 the first time it was too late. There is no secret, no master tutor (and let me tell you ive been to nearly every best one), no secret asian math genetics that are encoded in his 4th chromosome, nothing.

You want to know the biggest hidden secret? amount of hours studied a day by the top kids, 6-9 hours everyday every day, 12 hours on weekends, i swear on my mothers head, my teachers at fairvale high can attest to this, id come with blood shed eyes and sleep in my science class or continue finishing the notes that will be released below, Thats what the top boys do, theyll lie to your face, much like the average steroided juice head in the gym tells you his natural. Not many people like coming out about this, my best mate did, ahmad shah and alot of his fellow malek fahad islamic school pupils did. Mind you, i had repeated year 12, so it shouldve been much less, but boy o boy did i have alot of holes. even basics, i wanted every nit peice of questions answered such that i had left no rock unturned. Most teachers are infact useless bachleors degree holding members of society, not too shabby, just following same steps in life like many people, passing uni with normal degrees etc then getting paid for having a peice of paper as a degree, id run around bringing papers with sophisticated questions, most of the time theyll try to act all handy dandy, but you can keep corning them, and theyll usually end up with 'thats a very good question, havent thought about that before, goodwork', so not to let there demenour and high status down, some would raise their voice and say 'your going too far ahead, you dont need to learn that', others will go 'good question, time for you to get your thinking cap on and think about it'. Those were actual responses and most these eggs were 15+ years HSC markers. Most teachers are infact useless, especially and i repeat especially in the independent schools (ie ones that i attended). At one stage in the elective of biology (human story), the syallabus had some mistakes and had some vital missing points, but it took me 3 days consulting a Phd in Anthropology to get the answer (has to do with the hominini hominina hominine bullshit, yes those 3 are all different words).

So thats basically the secret, study alot (even pop dexamphetamine (called adderall in the US; prescrip drug used improperly for studying), just joking about the dex-amph, but yes i did know a few boys that did that.

Now before some idiot goes on and talks about how this kid studied 3-4 hours and got etc and you swear to god you know his not lieing, maybe just maybe there is a small chance that it may have occured, but most these kids have grown up studying, from kg-grade 12, studying, so they already have naturally higher level of intelligence (*hint hint* selective school kids whose parents dump into tutors since their kids to achieve higher marks in the selective tests **hint hint**), so graade 12 will be just another 'grade', heres a story for you, i lived in Dubai for 4 years, grade 7-11, i cried the first day i went to school, kids used travel bags to carry their luggage, we had 8 subjects (bio/chem/phy/geo/history/arabic/english/IT[very important imho, using computers was the future]), we followed the american standard of SAT, some kids didnt study SAT, went and studied British GSCE (even harder). Every 2-3 weesk wed have 'quiz' (thats what they called it back there, it was 2 page exam, 1st being multiple choice, 2nd handwritten) for the topics studied, and it will add up to your final marks (30% quizzes, 70% final examantion) in the end of year, if you fail end of year exam, you get 1 summer test to redeem yourself, fail that and you repeat the whole year. Knew some boys that got stuck in grade 10, 3 times.

Yes it was hard in terms of workload, but it was very simple logical education system; you got your textbook prescribed by the government, and they always went to well established book american publishers (prentice hall, pearson, macmillion), 300 page book seperated by chapters. Study the chapter, do any additional work recommend by teacher and your pretty much garunteed high marks. Do that for the hsc and dotn be suprised if you get 60% (happened to me when i first came to the country).
PS: there textbooks had like many authors, the references pages at the back were like 3-4 pages. not a 1 man army that cant proof read his book and regurgitates the exact same examples 4-5 other different books used (scary weird).
Heres a book i used in grade 10: http://www.brightstorm.com/textbook/biology/biology-2010 (so beautifully set out)
proof of my old school and what system of education they used (sat/igsce ie american/british system of education, you had to choose once you paid your school fees): http://www.liwaschool.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=233 (my old school)

For the hsc, you dont know where to go, kg-grade 11 is pretty much all a joke, then you get thrown into the deep end without floaties, and to add to the party, there is no 'clear equation' as previously mentioned, you have many problems to worry about; internal rank (internal), externals, scaling of subjects, 50% of hsc being assessment and 50% being hsc exam mark, units of study, english adv vs english standard, bad syallabus, bad books nothing prescribed and endorsed by the goverment, and the list goes on and on. The whole year 12 system was horrendous.

Point of all the wumbo jumbo above, yes a kid that your cousins nephews son that you know got 100UAI studying 4 hours a day, he isnt lieing, but its much more then 4 hours when you look at it from a grand scheme of things. He is already conditioned and primed for study, so itll just be another 'grade'.

Now back to HSC topic; what to study??, you can sit there and fart away for 6 hours a day, or do something productive. What was a very well known proven-logical method?

A) split the hours based on units, or sometimes things have to be prioritised due to upcoming assessments/exams.

B) understand what needs to be done in each subject for you to suceed in it.

Part A explained:
Id always walk around with a shitty 96 page 20cent book, come home 3pm, eat, sleep wake up 5pm, sit with my mother abit until 6pm, while im sitting with my mother watchint tv etc id write my goals for that day then, get ready for 6-9 hour studying.

Example would be something like this:
Saturday 12th January
3U: finish off 2 trial papers (Catholic papers 2001 and 2002)
4U: nothing for today
chemistry: read/revise acid/base tritations.
biology: finish indepedent paper 2007.
english: rewrite my 'already' made creative writing, so its ingrained into my head.
Misc (miscallanous things i need to do): send mellissa schults (english teacher) belonging essay fore revision, ask mrs katz about dipolar bonds and their differences between x, ask mr biology whats the difference between homo-erectus due to polymorphism vs homosapien, ask mrs biology (again) why we havent the difference between hominina and hominine, and alot more bio questions for my bio teacher, more chemistry questions etc etc.

Part B Explained:
Science/Biology/Physics (didnt do physics, same principles apply however):bullet notes, i mean BULLET, aka nothing has been left out, every syallabus dotpoint addressed and 'um dont need this, um dont thin it will come', when i repeated year 12 i made my notes such that if they were read in 3rd person perspective they were no different to reading them to the owner of it, because i had the goal of releasing them. Ie there was no magical anecdotes (like DRABCD for me to remeber shit), it was pretty much a generic/logical/easy to understand book compiled from many sources to answer each dotpoint to perfection. Ahmad Shah inspired me to do it, but his notes were missing ALOT of important information, especially practicals and in reality some dotpoints he had completed not even added (hint blueprint of life, 2nd biology hsc topic). His notes where the basis of mine, (ie generic/easy to understand), but they had to be heavily fixed, im talking 4+ hours a day on those things. Do i believe they are the best ever released, sure hope so.

After you have your notes, grind the living shit out of them, then to move to hsc topic book, i forget its name, its a past hsc book with answers but at the front page it will tell you which module is in which years and what questions, after all topics are done spam trial papers/exam papers (not point knowing all that if you cant show), you must do exams to reinforce this knowledge and more importantly ANSWERING the question (your teachers will tell you alot about this, there is a list of verbs in the science syallabus that tells you what each verb in question wants, example 'identify', 'explain', 'elaborate', and you will reliase certain verbs have certain marking usually reward to them, identify would usually be a 1 marker, elaborate would be 6-8), dont go blabbering the whole set of notes out on the exam paper if nots waranted, youll just piss the marker off, yes you know the content, but if the question is 'define what honeybee is' dont go explaining the superfical and lateral sides of Apis mellifica and where is urnus is located under its t5 spinal bone."

After a while youll get a feel for things, the knowledge is there, its presented properly, youll get high marks. Thats HOW every single state ranker ive met in science has done, they dont usually say it, but if you corner them nicely it comes out.

Tutors? dont really need them, they usually just regurgitate whats in the book or give you simple concise answers to syallabus dotpoints, notes are more important imho.

Maths (i did 3/4U): Oh how much i want to talk about this lovely subject, ive been to nearly every tutor, Troung No in fairfield (the little asian midget you have to bow down to and his ruse minons that his 'trained with his dads vietnamese master methods', never liked this guy disgusting 2 face scum when you first join in hell smile act the best, 4 months in, after coming work as a gp and continuing 6 hours of tutoring everday, his nerve clicks (got to love money eh?) and then watch the nice things that come out of his mouth, if you cant answer his question in literally 5 seconds hell call you useless etc, if i ever see you in person have the balls to say hi to me and watch what ill do to that buckeled head of yours, stephen awad (shahs teacher; guys spits more bullshit about how coming 2nd is first loser, literally about 3/4 of his lesson is about life lessons, the rest, quick summary of cambridge 4U maths, and to do these magical 'star and double star' questions that are important in that book and then do to trial papers (this i agree is the secret), he was probably the best out of all the, but im not paying 25$ an hour to hear how a half hour story of how he shot the arrow at a 15 degree angle and how you can prove it using 4U techniques. Had another guy, 1st in state in 3/4U or something in 2008, dont want to name him, he knows himself well, up-nosed fagget that tried to act to sophisticated for life, gave us fancy notes etc and his own made trial examanations with phd level math questions, he was oright but not qualified to teach imho. I think i had a few more in that first year. At the end of all of it, there wasnt that much secret.

Before you go on commenting about how condescending i sound, if you ever meet these people in real life, youd know what i mean, all the above thought very highly of themselves, from a tutor that uses his 'vietnamese master trig method" to quickly find sin 135, cos 75 (made by a french scientist whom had help lived during french colony of vietnam), to another tutor that says he finished his 4U exam with 1 hour left (doesnt tell you he had 40 trial examantions before his hsc came), to another tutor his ex-students credentinals as byproduct of his teaching. and So on.

Back on topic; Mathematics in general pretty much had shit books, some havent been changed since 2000 (Fitzpatrick for 4U)

For 3U: Fitzpatrick was the ok to go, understand it, do most the questions, move to hsc topic by topic word document i attached, do them all, then do the CSSA topic by topic, once youve finished every topic, go do random trial papers (id finish indepedent/cssa/some top hard schools like SCEGG/Ruse/Syd boys), just keep spamming trials under time. I got 100% in my 3U trial, ironically it was a 2000 CSSA paper which i had already done previously, funny to see the same exam pop up eh?

For 4U: the only one worth mentioning is cambridge, i still have my one to this day, it had many mistakes but it had the syallabus dotpoints, so you have to edit it , highlight things to make it look cleaner, go through cambridge. You'll need a tutor most likely, understand every example set out for each topic, do the questions, but stress to complete cambridge, it is the best for 4U. Then rush to past hsc topic by topic then CSSA. Once every topic is finished, spam trials under timing(id finish indepedent/cssa/some top hard schools like SCEGG/Ruse/Syd boys).

Thats the key, spamming trials, if you dont know an answer to a question, dont cheat and look at answer, sit there for 1-2 hours, over time your deductive reasoning becomes very strong and this shortens, thats how the 'hard' question become 'easier' (IE THE SECRET TO MATHS lol). My math teacher (respected wont mention his name) would always say asians at math etc etc, i never understood why they were so quick at solving questions, then i understood, its a skill, overtime develops becomes very powerful, you have to sit there and keep biting your tongue till engouh cracks, it will happen many times will drive you crazy but once you 'level' it up high enough time will shorten, i got 110/120 in my trials, finished it with 1 hour left, i was never good in probablity lol. till today hate it. I did 65 trial examantions for 3U, and like 30 for 4Unit.

English: steal a creative essay and memorise it (just joking, or am i? ;)), no seriously, have moldable essays, ive attached mine, youll see what i mean. have a general outline of each module in the essay (this will based of the 'rubric', ie the 3-4 syallabus dotpoint for each module, when you do hsc english paper, before the question for the module, the rubric is above it, that is the generalised-syllabus dotpoint of that module,) but remember to make it sound abit more sophisticated to make the marker moist, belonging? to be accepted (urban dictionary definition) and youll get a 0/10, belonging in english, is to an extent reaching a mental and physical acceptance from the world around you. Thats one example, then youll have 2-3 bodies, each body containig 2-3 'techniques' with examples and how it re-instates the introduction (which addresses the question). Molding phrases from a movie/book inside sentences with quotes, just makes your essay look juicier. Look english markers know their job is shit, and they have to read bullshit, but thats their job, much like a garabage cleaner, just make sure your shit is polished and looks like an icecream.

Simple, after your perfected this 'all-in-fit' essay, get it checked, and then answer past questions from different papers. Hand it in your teacher, shell have to mark it. When i first did hsc in 09, i did english standard, my school had redneck teachers, they pretty much destroyed my life, giving me 6/15 for essays etc, never understood till today, but in 2010 i knew i wouldnt do that and went and did hsc english advanced at Tafe, and the rest of my subjects at fairvale. Now you may ask how i did it since you have to do preliminary subjects before going into hsc, because english is well known to be dodgey subject, so they infuse 11/12 in 1 year, and it starts at March i think. I recommend anyone doing standard to go to tafe and do the advanced version, they cant refuse you, the vice-principal tried he failed. Get rank 1 is much easier in tafe too, since most people that do HSC in tafe do it part time and so on, due to age, life circumstances. My english teacher at tafe was from hurlstone agriculture, go-figure i think god loved me, she forced us to send in essays for marking every week, she did it to her kids too, no fluff no bullshit, if anyone is at hurlstone send my love to melissa schultz. HSC English Adv scales better then Standard, its easier to get 94 in Adv then it is in standard.

Some extra points that i couldnt fit at the top:
1) In regards to trial papers (this goes for both maths and science and english): if you go to unknown schools (say fairvale, chesterhill, granville boys, birrong boys, auburn girls etc), most of the time the teachers are lazy bastards and buy the examantions for every subject, cost like 9.20$ for each student, these school are called independent schools and the trial papers are called 'independent papers', my school was independent, so i had to train myself since trial papers arent like hsc exactly,they have a different feel, when i repeated all my science subjects were independeant of that year. My math teacher didnt want to pay for 3U he got CSSA, for 4U he bought indepedent (indepedent 4U papers are close to real HSC, recent ones anyway, 2007 onwards). Schools like patrician brothers, malek fahad (muslim/christian/jewish) schools buy CSSA papers, all of them, usually for that year, sometimes they add questions from previous years to spice things up. Selective schools like Ruse etc, they make it since they know their kids are smart enough to be doing past trials lol.

2) Top schools have their students as number (so if your name is mike john it will be 4578474) and every time you walk into an exam youd write the number instead of name, why? so teachers dont discriminate, i had always known this and ironically one day near last days at Tafe my english teacher was like "i knew whose handwriting it was, felt bad as she didnt answer the question but i tried to help her as much as i could" she then winked. If your in a shitty school, and they use names, make sure you suck up to your teachers, please, itll reflect in marks and their leniency, much like a judge, if his feeling shit that day hell rape u tenderly.in summary racism and discrimination occurs, suck up to your teachers.

3) your rank in a subject is very VERY important, when you get your report from UAC, youll have assessment mark and hsc exam mark, final mark is the average of both, the rank will determine your assessment mark, i cannot stress it, i got 97.65 when everyone thought i was goign to get near perfect score, i had 100% in my 3U trial (CSSA), 110/120 4U (Indepedent), 97 chem, 93 bio in my trial examations. And youll found out that raw marks in the hsc dont correspond to your hsc final examantion mark, (so for example if you get 94/100 in the 3U exam after the examiner tallies all your points that his ticked correctly, and everyone else in the state get 60-70/100, you will get something about 100 and youll be first in the state for that subject), so technically i was flogging my raw marks and happy to go on to carry it on hsc (trials are sometimes harder then the real exam depending what trials aswell), eitherway, i was rank 1 in every subject, but had few deaths (grandmother died, uncle got drilled to death in iraq etc), i got burnt out and stuffed alot of things up, got like 78 in hsc biology as exam mark, but because my rank 1 my assessment was like 91 and hsc exam mark was 78, the final mark is addition of both divide by 2. so it was around 85.
So its kind of 50% of your marks are in school , the other 50% are in that 2-3 hour exam at the end ofyear, nice way to think of it, thats why going tafe for english adv was good, because eng is usually very comptetive, rank 1 was easier to get there.

4) Links to everything i had (notes and exams), all organised, i did shipwrecks and human story for biology and chemistry respectively. These folders were back when i did hsc in 2010, so new trials came after that, add them if you can find them online.

Link to the above Chemistry and Biology notes (no extra trial examinations, pictures, just pure notes, and its isnt like 500mb, small file to download):
Filefactory links:

Mediafire links:

PS: excuse the english, cbf, just wrote whats on my mind, it isnt an exam lol. if i remeber anything important i will edit it in, theres a saying that goes 'i taught him everything he knows but not everything i know', i cant type out every thought process i had, but i can give you my word the above should be more then enough.

PS 2: if any admin/moderator can post my chem and bio notes on main site id appreciate, i uploaded already didnt work.
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Prophet 9 FTW
Nov 12, 2007
Uni Grad
Most of what you said is true but you should be thankful to those that may have failed you in the past, particularly the tutors. You mock their 'life lessons' or for wasting your time but I'm sure that for some part of it, you incorporated it into the way you studied the second time round and achieved great marks. Don't discount the use of tutors in English to substitute or complement your teacher. It's similar for MX1 and MX2. For the sciences, you're right though, its all about notes and questions.

Good luck to you in the future


Mar 16, 2008
Most of what you said is true but you should be thankful to those that may have failed you in the past, particularly the tutors. You mock their 'life lessons' or for wasting your time but I'm sure that for some part of it, you incorporated it into the way you studied the second time round and achieved great marks. Don't discount the use of tutors in English to substitute or complement your teacher. It's similar for MX1 and MX2. For the sciences, you're right though, its all about notes and questions.

Good luck to you in the future
Never mocked anything, im a realist, and if i dont know an answer to a question ill glady self-address myself, alot of what i said is meant to sound condescending, for a reason, these show ponies go on all about themselves all day and night, whether directly or indirectly, and you could sense it, clint colaco, you yourself should know this. I remeber laughing when i finished the hsc when some kids from your school magically became tutors.

I did not discount the use of tutors in each case you presented, for english it should be your teacher that does the proof reading, maybe 1-2 3rd person perspectives can help. For maths most of them have leeched their information from cambridge/cssa past questions.

I dont believe ex-hsc students, especially people such as yourself to be tutoring, especially with things delicate as the hsc. Knowledge is one thing, teaching is another. Ive been taught by 2-3 100UAI kids, can they teach? no, can they give answers to certain questions due to their past knowledge? yes.

Heres a few people;
First in Chem from your school in that year; had basic tutor, i went to her, taught him basic, rest was his work and past papers.
3-4 kids First state in 3/4U; had ex-hsc markers, taught him from cambridge, then past papers to reinforce.
5th in Biology: notes, then past papers.

The whole point of this thread was to show kids some light about the reality of the game, people selling notes *cough you*, dont technically represent that.

I dare you to find a more comphrensive and detailed set of bio and chem notes that i have posted, that is free, and i will glady pay you 1000$ at your cricket game.
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Dec 27, 2012
i like the part when the princess gets saved by Omed62 and gets brutally abused in the dungeon of athens


Mar 3, 2011
Haha nice title!

I admire your persistence, thank you for your post. :)



Mar 16, 2008
Boys just give me the benefit of the doubt and have a read of the bio and chem notes, if they are not state-ranking or anywhere near it, please ip ban me from this site.


Jul 5, 2011
Didnt have a flashy title, but had to draw your attention. Yes you will get whats expected, but just have a little read of my story first, you'll enjoy it i promise. Ive waited 3 years to write it.

Now that i think of it, year 12 that is, a massive black fog over-rides my thoughts, why? because i did it twice. I did my first hsc in 2009, achieved a UAI of 90.2, then finished in 2010 and got 97.65, and i did every single subject AGAIN from scratch, i didnt pick some marks from 09, to be used in 2010, as you can do that for the HSC. People often think i was retarded to do it, had the principles, head teachers (you know the generally fancy shit in society your meant to look up that have IQ levels of grapefruits) trying to rid me but they didnt, i say that because they usually throw the 'due to stastics you will most likey fail etc etc". Handy dandy, i still went on, despite everything being 'technically' against me.

1 Main reason i wanted to repeat your 12, is that no one told me 'the best' ways about doing things (or let me rephrase it 'a clear equation' to each subject that if followed will give a desirable result), every tom dick and harry giving different versions of their HSC, or your teachers will tell you how amazing and genetically gifted this 'asian' kid or how he has a 'master tutor', its all bullshit, you always had to sucuumb to the fact that 'his in Ruse' hell dwarf you, or his 'asian' his good at maths. I was never like that, no human has a feather on their head, and by the time i finished year 12 the first time it was too late. There is no secret, no master tutor (and let me tell you ive been to nearly every best one), no secret asian math genetics that are encoded in his 4th chromosome, nothing.

i absolutely agree wit this
i jst finished my HSC scoring a 90.80 atar but only realized how to study after my half yearlies and most of my marks ame from the trials and HSC exam
so if i knew how to study before i could have scored better and achieved a band 6 in at least 4 of my 6 subjects rather than settling on 1 or 2 marks from the band 6 cut off

however as i have finished now with an atar high enough to get into my course id rather not repeat yr 12 as my friends are all moving on and im already guaranteed into my course
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Premium Member
Dec 21, 2010
good read!! i can relate to a few parts of your story... kinda wish this was written before i did the HSC lol

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