SiBT is no longer affiliated with MQ, they have MUIC now (Macquarie University International College). Does the same job, however please be advised that you'll be with 95% international students.
While Macquarie University is probably where you might want to end up, there's nothing wrong UWS, and I have had mates who got into Commerce-Business on a 50.00 ATAR, and Law on 70.00. Watch out for those early offers, if you're keen on UWS, put it as your first preference on your UAC form and you'll be suprised at recieving an early offer.
I also work at Macquarie University in student admin so feel free to email me at (1988 is not my birth year lmao, long story...)
You honestly have a lot of options and I wouldn't be worried at all. On 70-75 you're honestly eligible for multiple uni's in NSW. WSU, MQ, ACU, Notre Dame, CSU, UoW, UoN, UTS, even Arts or Science at UNSW if you've got some bonus points up your sleeve.
And honestly, within a year you can be anywhere you want to be. Take my friend who got a 35 ATAR at terribly ranked High School in country NSW. She tried extremely hard, went to SiBT (now MUIC), got into Commerce at Macquarie, once at Macquarie studied extremely hard and transferred into Law through the Pre-Law pathway, and is studying a Bachelor of Commerce with a Bachelor of Laws now, all in 2 years... with a near perfect GPA I might add.
Anyone can do anything. Some might think that's generous, but if you work hard anyone can be doing the degree they want at a prestigious university, just like my friend did.
Don't stress right now, this is the most open and exciting time of your life. I wish I knew then what I know now when I was in your position, I wouldn't have been as worried as you are. I guarantee you by this time next year you'll be exactly where you want to be.
Not to mention that transferring between universities is quite generous, especially between UWS-MQ/UTS/UNSW. And don't even get me started on internal course transfers within university, especially Macquarie (which is so easy to do!).
You got this my friend, sit back and watch the offers roll in. You've done all the hard work, it's time to sit back and think about what it really is you want to be doing.
My measly 2 cents is always to get into the university you want to go to. Whether that's just doing a B/Arts, you can transfer between courses really easily if you have the marks. If you're set on going to MQ, 70-75 will get you into Arts easily. If you want UNSW, do a lesser degree there like Arts or something. The same applies for any uni.
Goodluck, you've got this. 75 IS A GREAT ATAR DON'T BE DISSAPOINTED!!!!
I recommend reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in the meantime