For the first 2 years its all common at UNSW. For Mechanical,Mechatronics,Manufacturing,Aeronautical,and Naval Archetecture. I'm in 1st year atm Mecheng, second semester.
I think your dreaming about the whole NASA thing..unless your really clever ( maybe you are). Its pretty challenging for some people, but the stuff you learn is pretty interesting, but you wont get into it until 3rd - 4th year (when you'll do specifics relating to your field). The trick is not to be consume by the course, make sure you get some awesome friends and go out drinking lots - like me, it keeps me sane and happy.
Sorry, in regards to your query its boring only if you make it boring (Uni life is awesome). (oh and people who tell you that you hardly even go to uni and its a bludge...thier what you call Arts students ignore them_ they may be hot, and u sleep with a couple... uhhh yeah its a full load (work) and will take you time to adjust.
anything else just ask.