pmr_123 said:
wow...hold up, do we really have to know our innovative case study???
i don't want to have to revise that, especially not now.
and you know, if we need to know it, my useless fuck of a teacher could have possibly told me that months ago... but no...
or u could hav simply got off ur arse and done some work of your own? read ur textbook, the syllabus, or even attempted one past paper??
its wankers like u that cause the board 2 include the fatc that u cant go for misadventure on grounds of shit teaching, so maybe now that u hav made a start and read this thread, yes, u can go study ur innovation, or start an entirely new case study like i did cause i dindt like my old one
naddie said:
If anyone could help me further my understand the topics on management, manufacturing and innovation that would be great! Im studing out of the excel books and don't understand the above topics.
sure, in terms of managemnet, just read through ur folio from ur MDP and hav a look at what u did 2 ensure quality managemnet of all resources, how u documented these and how u evaluated these
manufacturing is basically just the diff between mass production and one off projects....different procedures etc
innovation....u want me 2 do all of that now? just read excel, it covers all the areas here (in about 3 different chapters)