Hi All,
Though i would offer some advice on the GAP Year for those that are intersted,
If you looking for a break from study it's a great opportunity you get paid to train in excess of 30ka and you pretty much a basic soldier, sailor, airman depending on you service. If your a little hesitant on the DF then i would sujest to you that the Navy or Air Force is the way to go as you can drop out at any time to continue tertiary study. Air Force is the only GAP service that offers officer training. After your YOU session you have to attend an Assessment day medical check, phycological interivew and a careers interview. YOu may be required to conduct a Pre-Assessment check over the phone, research you job before this they love you to know something bout what your keen on doing!! Plenty of trick question dont give definate yes or no answers trade with them offer alternatives there looking for people that can think on there feet!!!. I've applied for the Navy Gap Year and have my assessment session next Monday they are paying for my Airfare to Sydney and my accomodation for these interviews.
In My opinion the Gap Year is an awesome programme and i would highly recommend taking the chance.
Hope this helps for some, plenty more info if you need it as the sites arent very helpful........