Just thought I'd post some updated information about actuarial exemptions at UNSW for all actuarial degrees which began in 2014 or after -
Part I
So, Part I is made up of 8 Core Technical (CT) areas. And, to get exemptions for Part I at UNSW, you have obtain an overall average of 65 or above (i.e. Credit Average minimum) in the course(s) that correspond to each CT. Note, that an overall average of 65 for each CT area is required to obtain your part I.
CT1 - Financial Mathematics - ACTL2111
CT2 - Finance and Financial Reporting - FINS1613, ACCT1501, ACCT1511 (one-third weighting for each subject)
CT3 - Probability and Mathematics Statistics - ACTL2131
CT4 - Models - ACTL2102 (one-third weighting), ACTL3162 (two-thirds weighting)
CT5 - Contingencies - ACTL3151
CT6 - Statistical Methods - ACTL2102 (one-third weighting), ACTL3141 (two-thirds weighting)
CT7 - Economics - ECON1101, ECON1102 (one-half weighting for each subject)
CT8 - Financial Economics - ACTL3182
For example, for CT7, if I obtain 70 in ECON1101 but 52 in ECON1102, my overall average for CT7 is 61, which is below the required overall average of 65 - hence, I would not obtain exemptions for the CT7 component of Part I. In such an instance, since I have still passed the two CT7 courses, I do not need to recomplete these courses at university to obtain exemptions for CT7, but instead all I have to do is sit the Institute's examination for that CT area. This saves your time and money!
Another hypothetical example would be if I get 60 for ACTL2102 and 69 for ACTL3141 - thus, my overall average (take note of the weightings) for CT6 would be 66 and hence I would still get exemptions for CT6, regardless of not obtaining a credit in ACTL2102. So, from this, you can see that if a CT area has more than one subject that counts towards it, not all hope is lost if you do not obtain a credit in one of them.
All actuarial degrees offered at UNSW will have more than enough time to finish all these subjects!

Also, take into consideration how some subjects will not actually count towards exemptions, such as ACTL1101, however ACTL1101 (and hence passing it) is a prerequisite for ACTL2111 and ACTL2131, which are two subjects that DO count towards exemptions.
Finally, note how FOUR third-year actuarial courses are required to be completed for exemptions - ACTL2141, ACTL3151, ACTL3162 and ACTL3182. However, UNSW only requires students to do at least three third year ACTL courses. Hence, this becomes a case of having to do more subjects than course requirements in order to obtain the Institute's exemptions.
More information (especially about Part II and III) to come soon.