Abortion (2 Viewers)


Jul 7, 2011
Abortion refers to the act of forcibly removing the foetus from its mother’s womb before it reaches 24 weeks (the age of viability), ensuring the termination of the pregnancy. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore considers abortion to be similar to murder. In 1970, Pope John VI stated the Roman Catholic Church’s view of abortion when he said “abortion has been considered murder since the first centuries of the Church and nothing permits it to be considered otherwise”. The Roman Catholic Church believes that abortion goes against the sanctity of life as well as natural law as abortions are unnatural and frustrate God’s plan for the embryo to form. Whilst the bible does not specifically discuss abortion, it does provide passages for and against it. In Jeremiah 1:5 it states, “before you were in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart”. The Roman Catholic Church would use a passage such as this to show how abortion goes against natural law and goes plan for every human individual.

billy chan

Apr 18, 2012
Everyone has the chance to live so I definitely oppose abortion.

Remember, if a woman decides to abort her child, she doesn't stop being a mother. She is just the mother of a dead child.
Lol great st8ment.


Oct 13, 2011
yes, animals are a source of food.
an animal is not capable of having a conversation with you. of thinking rationally. a foetus, if allowed to properly mature, will.
I'm not sure how you're defining rational. Rationality is based upon the assumption of some level of reason or logic. Animals have a variety of reasoning, which is evidently different to ours - but they are quite similar at a very basic level for some reasoning e.g. pack = family, defending cub when injured = parent caring for kid etc. Not a very good example, I know and I can go on about this for a while but you're entitled to your opinion, so I wouldn't go shoving it down your throat. (And it would be off topic too).

With abortion, I'm iffy with it. I'm pro choice to a certain extent. If the individual situation is extreme, and the woman has no other viable option such as adoption, some sort of medical or financial assistance perhaps she can during the early stages. If one is going through it, I would imagine that it would difficult as the fetus grows because the woman might become emotionally attached to it (as evident in cases where people cancel the adoption thing because they change their minds) so going through abortion would be not only painful but traumatic.

If the individual is a cruel and vile person and is only doing it because she doesn't want children and didn't use protection/didn't take some sort of responsibility (I mean the male should have some sort of responsibility to use a condom - but again, that doesn't mean it's the man's fault - can be drunk, etc, situations vary) then flat out no. Killing an innocent life for your own selfish deed is detestable. Give the child up to adoption, with a family that wants them.

Abortion is such a sensitive topic, and it has to take into account the variation of human experiences, emotions and situations. At this point if some sort clear cut answer was available, I would be all for it. But right now - not really sure.

/personal opinions guize.


townie for worst user
Mar 17, 2011
With abortion, I'm iffy with it. I'm pro choice to a certain extent. If the individual situation is extreme, and the woman has no other viable option such as adoption, some sort of medical or financial assistance perhaps she can during the early stages. If one is going through it, I would imagine that it would difficult as the fetus grows because the woman might become emotionally attached to it (as evident in cases where people cancel the adoption thing because they change their minds) so going through abortion would be not only painful but traumatic.

If the individual is a cruel and vile person and is only doing it because she doesn't want children and didn't use protection/didn't take some sort of responsibility (I mean the male should have some sort of responsibility to use a condom - but again, that doesn't mean it's the man's fault - can be drunk, etc, situations vary) then flat out no. Killing an innocent life for your own selfish deed is detestable. Give the child up to adoption, with a family that wants them.

Abortion is such a sensitive topic, and it has to take into account the variation of human experiences, emotions and situations. At this point if some sort clear cut answer was available, I would be all for it. But right now - not really sure.

/personal opinions guize.
Okay I get it's your personal opinion but still shut up

So basically you're saying that a woman is vile and disgusting for choosing not have kids, yes? And you're saying that because a woman didn't use protection she automatically forgoes her choice? The idea of adoption is nice but you do realise the world isn't a novel? Not everything works out. And did you know that a adoption isn't just living normally for 9 months, squeezing out a babby and putting it into a centre. I don't think you realise how tolling a pregnancy is on a woman.

Statistics show that most women get their abortions in the first trimester (i.e. 1-12 weeks) and at 6 weeks, an embryo is ~the size of a lentil.

This little lentil sized sack of cells has not formed a complex enough nervous system to feel pain, not enough of a brain to process anything and is not conscious. Yes it could be a baby, but so could every single sperm you wank out nightly. According to the 'definition' of what constitutes as living

Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state; for example, electrolyte concentration or sweating to reduce temperature.
Organization: Being structurally composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life.
Metabolism: Transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life.
Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.
Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity as well as the composition of metabolized substances, and external factors present.
Response to stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of multicellular organisms. A response is often expressed by motion, for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun (phototropism) and by chemotaxis.
Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms.
An embryo is only 'living' in the fact that it is made up of one or more cells and it is 'growing' (but so are trees, so you know). At such an early stage in a pregnancy, the metabolic aspects are being provided by the host and there is no change in environment to adapt to. According to the above, a plant is more 'alive' then a tree. I understand that yes, spiritually and emotionally, people may have a different perception on what is living, but scientifically, an embryo is only living in the most basic of ways.

I don't really know why I'm typing this, maybe because I'm super bored and a little annoyed and I'll doubt you'll read it (or if you do, you'll say it's all personal opinions bro) also if you respond with a troll face i will literally cut your dick off, dip it in dry ice to harden and then use your frozen little penor to gouge out your eyes

I'd keep going but I just re-read your post and

Abortion is such a sensitive topic, and it has to take into account the variation of human experiences, emotions and situations
and basically you're a dick for calling women vile, cruel and detestable.

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Reading a book about this at the moment, to my surprise more than half of women who have had abortions believe that life begins at conception which adds a layer of complexity to the debate.


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
Of course life begins at conception. The two gametes preceding fertillisation are also alive, and they fuse to become a genetically unique living zygote that contains the DNA of a new individual.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Of course life begins at conception. The two gametes preceding fertillisation are also alive, and they fuse to become a genetically unique living zygote that contains the DNA of a new individual.
Human life.


Oct 13, 2011
Okay I get it's your personal opinion but still shut up

So basically you're saying that a woman is vile and disgusting for choosing not have kids, yes? And you're saying that because a woman didn't use protection she automatically forgoes her choice? The idea of adoption is nice but you do realise the world isn't a novel? Not everything works out. And did you know that a adoption isn't just living normally for 9 months, squeezing out a babby and putting it into a centre. I don't think you realise how tolling a pregnancy is on a woman.

Statistics show that most women get their abortions in the first trimester (i.e. 1-12 weeks) and at 6 weeks, an embryo is ~the size of a lentil.

This little lentil sized sack of cells has not formed a complex enough nervous system to feel pain, not enough of a brain to process anything and is not conscious. Yes it could be a baby, but so could every single sperm you wank out nightly. According to the 'definition' of what constitutes as living

An embryo is only 'living' in the fact that it is made up of one or more cells and it is 'growing' (but so are trees, so you know). At such an early stage in a pregnancy, the metabolic aspects are being provided by the host and there is no change in environment to adapt to. According to the above, a plant is more 'alive' then a tree. I understand that yes, spiritually and emotionally, people may have a different perception on what is living, but scientifically, an embryo is only living in the most basic of ways.

I don't really know why I'm typing this, maybe because I'm super bored and a little annoyed and I'll doubt you'll read it (or if you do, you'll say it's all personal opinions bro) also if you respond with a troll face i will literally cut your dick off, dip it in dry ice to harden and then use your frozen little penor to gouge out your eyes

I'd keep going but I just re-read your post and

and basically you're a dick for calling women vile, cruel and detestable.

What the fuck? Why would I troll this. Although I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying.

If you don't like, I can't help it. I'm sorry if you feel that way, that's why I say it's a personal opinion.That being said, I was saying that I don't agree with abortion if the person was like "oh fuck I forgot to use contraception, I'll just abort it." Hence why I say that I'm pro choice to a certain extent. I know of cases where pregnant teens have said "oh well I'll get an abortion" in real life and it was shocking. That's why I am only slightly pro choice.

There is no need to attack anyone. I think you may have read my post a bit wrong.
Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
What the fuck? Why would I troll this. Although I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying.

If you don't like, I can't help it. I'm sorry if you feel that way, that's why I say it's a personal opinion.That being said, I was saying that I don't agree with abortion if the person was like "oh fuck I forgot to use contraception, I'll just abort it." Hence why I say that I'm pro choice to a certain extent. I know of cases where pregnant teens have said "oh well I'll get an abortion" in real life and it was shocking. That's why I am only slightly pro choice.

There is no need to attack anyone. I think you may have read my post a bit wrong.
So you would have a child grow up in an unloved shitty environment cos you ~*~dont like~*~ that the woman uses an abortion to prevent that very situation arising.
You sound like a real cunt mate.


Oct 13, 2011
My last comment didn't really answer your question properly, and you only replied to half a section of it. I'm not saying a woman is vile for not wanting to have kids. Lots of women don't have children because of person choice. But I think it's wrong to get an abortion if neither of the two consenting adults had enough rationality in the beginning. That was my point of saying I'm against abortion.

You can read into however you want, I don't really care.


Oct 13, 2011
So you would have a child grow up in an unloved shitty environment cos you ~*~dont like~*~ that the woman uses an abortion to prevent that very situation arising.
You sound like a real cunt mate.
I'm saying abortion is okay, considering the right situation. That itself is subjective.

And I know, it's horrible to have any life go through a crap childhood. So perhaps implementing social infrastructure could be a better means of dealing with such a delicate issue in our society. This can be training more social service people/improving DOCs providing families with support etc. :/

I know what I'm saying sounds harsh, but that is really not my intention.


Active Member
May 4, 2012
Hmmm, forcing a child into a household in which he was not wanted in, or making the mother keep him till adoption in which case both parties suffer from traumatising separation. What if a condom breaks and the pill fails? How can you disregard that yet attack the mother if she lacked in contraceptive methods and became pregnant from her carelessness. In both cases the child is intended not to be born, that should be enough of a reason for abortion. I will never accept that life begins at contraception, the fetus is practically a zombie, it features no human emotions at all and is pretty much exactly the same as a gamete except for the cellular composition.


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
well life bloody well not start at contraception otherwise why am I spending my money on this

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