creating a thread called "A Second Chance" in regards to failing to get a 'higher mark'.
I believe there has been a mis-understanding behind the true cause of this thread particularly you, Joy, but not to worry luv, I will rectify all that needs to be rectified

You obviously mis-interpreted the title and the “purpose” of this thread…it doesn’t imply going to uni with a “FAILING ATTITUDE” anyone with brains would know that walking into uni- esp a science course- with a mind frame of crashing and burning is not the key to success especially where I’m headed.. as I said before to madavikil, I was merely questioning the options I “thought” I had as a
backup (if you will) in times of desperation- the thought of obtaining a credit instead of “just” scrapping through with a “pass” would appeal to anyone (
not just me) and if it meant obtaining an even HIGHER GPA AS WELL then I wanted answers... thus the underlying purpose of this thread was to find out whether this was so
(confirmed by the student center and the help of others) AS WELL AS what the weighting of the entailing consequences were
(how bad of a reflection a “fail or 2” would be) I to this point do not see how I’ve perceived a “failing” attitude, Joy, when all I’ve been doing is seeking the truth in a quest to salavage any possible future jeopardization of my GPA and to graduate with the highest POSSIBLE GPA.. if there were loop holes around it, I wanted to know

I wouldn’t think of my attitude as failing, I would think of it as DETERMINED.. INQUISITIVE and WILLING to go out there and find all possible ways of achieving the BEST gpa for me! Hope that clarifies “my attitude toward uni” Joy
You're not "expected" to fail if you put in the hard work. Again, whoever told you that it is expected of you to fail "a sub or 2" is screwing with your mind
I used the term “expecting” loosely thus again being “mis-interpreted” by you, Joy, but not to worry that was my fault I should have been more specific about what I meant… to begin with “no one told me” that it’s inevitable one will fail a sub or 2- don’t jump to conclusions luv as they are the mother of all F***ups- just a word of advise

what I meant to say was,
talking from experience, it’s not SURPRISING to hear from a graduate that during the duration of their course it wasn’t all roses… In theory “putting in the effort as you put it” rewards you with grades, but as I stated previously, its not all about effort and a fail could reflect ANYTHING…hypothetically, sometimes there are other circumstances occurring at the time which are beyond your control so much so they even impede your studies i.e.
death of a loved one- and its not “surprising” a fail may come knocking on ones door (NOT because they didn’t want to study, NOT because the ATTITUDE wasn’t there but merely events which possess our mind frame at which we are helpless to control) so don’t jump to the conclusion in thinking a fail meant lack of effort- it could reflect anything!
That's what you'd think would happen but reality is always different from what you had in mind. Surveys run by the faculties have proven that the majority of students who fail in a subject their first time are more likely to fail the next time.
Whether or not I’ve seen the statistics is irrelevant- YES the statistics reveal that the majority of students who fail first time are likely to fail the next- but they’re just that-
statistics… they don’t reveal WHY students fail in their 2nd re-take... the true reasons behind the high failure rate we will never know, but I’m pretty certain the underlying reason reflects a
poor “cant be bothered”, its holidays why am I back here doing this again, I wanna hang out with friends attitude- don’t ya think? I highly doubt the high rate of failures is due to “not understanding the course even after having done it the 1st time round”… I’m not disputing the fact that a small percentage of people just “don’t get it” no matter how hard or how many times they try- in which case you would find they would have dropped out first year- 2nd max- and gone on to do things that suit their capabilities… SO, back to what I was saying, I stand by the fact that with effort and the willingness to learn and seek help when required, a majority would pass the 2nd time round
or are you going into first year?
I’m actually way past 1st year and am well into my course and am doing very well might I add- as surprising as it may seem I’m yet to fail a sub and don’t intend to either if I can help it
Being gullible is non-existent in my vocabulary… I question EVERYTHING especially when it involves my future which is why I turned to this thread for guidance and the student centre just as a reconfirmation and a peace of mind
stop posting retarded assumptions on the Internet
Don't tell me what to do- this forum is free for all and I dont see "please consult Joy for approval of what and when to post" as for retarded assumptions- LOL- asking students for their thoughts and opinions is by no means stating "assumptions" i'm not stating anything- I'm merely trying to question and understand where I stand is all and there's no crime against that Joy

.. maybe you should stop jumping to your "retarded" conclusions and look before you leap...
Now on a more positive note, good luck to you to- the 1st of March seemed so long ago and now its fast approaching... in a couple of weeks it will be back to business