I thought it was about time I started to enroll for session 1 07', but i'm not quite sure which comp courses to enroll in...tis year will be my 3rd year and I am wanting to do honours, so I am wanting suggestions preferably lv 3 courses... can anyone help?
here is my short list of courses I am thinking about, but i am open to other courses
* COMP3121 Algorithms & Programming Tech (6 UOC)
* COMP3131 Programming Languages & Compil (6 UOC)
* COMP3153 Algorithmic Verification (6 UOC)
* COMP3161 Concepts of Programming Lang. (6 UOC)
* COMP3171 Object-Oriented Programming (6 UOC)
* COMP3231 Operating Systems (6 UOC)
* COMP3311 Database Systems (6 UOC)
* COMP3331 Computer Networks&Applications (6 UOC)
* COMP3411 Artificial Intelligence (6 UOC)
* COMP3421 Computer Graphics (6 UOC)
* COMP3431 Intro. Intelligent Agents (6 UOC)
* COMP3441 Cryptography and Security (6 UOC)
* COMP3511 Human Computer Interaction (6 UOC)
thanks in advance
here is my short list of courses I am thinking about, but i am open to other courses
* COMP3121 Algorithms & Programming Tech (6 UOC)
* COMP3131 Programming Languages & Compil (6 UOC)
* COMP3153 Algorithmic Verification (6 UOC)
* COMP3161 Concepts of Programming Lang. (6 UOC)
* COMP3171 Object-Oriented Programming (6 UOC)
* COMP3231 Operating Systems (6 UOC)
* COMP3311 Database Systems (6 UOC)
* COMP3331 Computer Networks&Applications (6 UOC)
* COMP3411 Artificial Intelligence (6 UOC)
* COMP3421 Computer Graphics (6 UOC)
* COMP3431 Intro. Intelligent Agents (6 UOC)
* COMP3441 Cryptography and Security (6 UOC)
* COMP3511 Human Computer Interaction (6 UOC)
thanks in advance