isnt that because in your day you were two years off a syllabus change and that paper was out the year before you <3Dang can't believe that paper is so common now. Back in my day, that use to be the ultra rare Mega Charizard of the bio trials
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isnt that because in your day you were two years off a syllabus change and that paper was out the year before you <3Dang can't believe that paper is so common now. Back in my day, that use to be the ultra rare Mega Charizard of the bio trials
Thank you so muchTo all you year 12 students. I wish you all the best and every success and I wanted to let you know I’m happy to help .
My name is Mr McAlpin and I am a qualified English and Modern History teacher . After retIring from teaching I set up files and resources for EVERY text in the English syllabus ( std, adv , ext ) in order to help students who might need resources etc . I have also marked HSC and been an external marker for HSC trials
I also mark essays of that helps . I do not expect any payment . I will give them to you and they are updated as often as I can.
Anyway I wanted you all to know, and let others know if you wish , that I’m happy to assist if it helps . Im also on the discord hsc site and facebook HSC discussion 2023
Anyway thought I would let you know and let you decide if you think I could .
Feel free to send message or ask more details . Happy to disclose my email if that helps
Anyway to you wonderful HSC 2023 students keep the focus , back yourself , work out but have free time and take care .
I wrote some tips for you that might help . Sorry it’s long my file wouldn’t load
Mr I McAlpin
Especially in paper one unseen comprehension take note of the marking scheme and make sure you don’t spend too much time on low mark questions
You might like to consider : you have 45 minutes to get 20 marks . That’s just over two minutes a mark . I suggest something like for 3 marks you write fir six minutes max ( ie 3 marks x 2 minutes a mark ) = 6,4 marks =8 minutes etc . That way you will have a little bit of time left over
Also regarding time you really only have 40 minutes to write once . By the time you finish writing 40 minutes first time it probably takes 30 seconds to change booklets , and turn to next question . You might grab a quick drink as well . Allow 39 minutes and then 38 etc .
For that reason I suggest you allow 10 minutes a paragraph ( 3 body paragraphs) which translates to 30 minutes leaving 10 minutes for intro/ conclusion. If you write more body paragraphs you will need to spend less time per paragraphs ( approx 8 mins ) 8 minutes x 4 = 32 minutes
Always remember an average finished essay will often get better marks than a brilliant unfinished one .
It is likely ,with paper one , that you won’t finish reading all your unseen texts In your 10 minutes so you should read the longer text first and have a strategy for the texts that you don’t finish reading when you can start writing
Also I suggest you take a minute out of your writing time to make a few quick notes on the other questions so you don’t forget what you thought of during reading time . By that I mean jot down say three dot points for module b and mod c ( c of w) BEFORE you start Mod a .
You can answer the questions in any order but MAKE SURE they are in different booklets .
Some schools might say otherwise so follow your school’s expectations regarding abbreviation of titles but NESA allows it . Make sure you put the FULL title in the introduction and conclusion and correctly label it . I would suggest a word rather than initials Eg Write “ Go Back To Where You Came From “ as “ Go Back” rather than “ GBTWYCF” because it actually takes longer to write initials than word(s).
Don’t focus on what you don’t know . No matter how little you think you know concentrate on what you do know . Eg whatever little bit you do know DO IT REALLY WELL .
Your paragraphs don’t need to be of equal length . It’s ok to have say 2 paragraphS with say 200 words approx and one with only around 150.
You all know something so use that. At least you will get some marks for what you know . You can’t get marks without writing something and remember you ARE BEING ASSESSED ON STRUCTURE so knowledge might not be brilliant but structure can increase your mark
Of course you want more but note one quote per paragraph is better than three in one and none in the other paragraphs .Dont forget you can use an ellipsis .eg if you were quoting say Romeo and Juliet you could write : “ Romeo , Romeo ... thou Romeo” or something similar to explain . TRY AND PICK SHORT QUOTES SO YOU CAN DO YOUR BEST TO REMEMBER THEM .
Don’t be afraid to use the basics you learnt in primary school .eg alliteration , personification etc . It’s not the technique that matters so much as HOW it helps you interpret the meaning
Do not use techniques in the introduction unless you intend to refer to them in EVERY paragraph
Remember that HOW questions involve technique answers or reference to your understanding
THIS IS THE ANSWER YOU CAN TRY AND REMEMBER . Markers can usually decide your mark by reading your introduction because it: 1/ refers to the text name and author/ poet/ director etc 2/ identifies the question and your approach to it 3/ shows how you intend to prove it
It’s ok to say ‘ ...through skilful use of figurative language responders ...” or something g like that . 4 to 5 sentences should be enough and your intention that say you actually on.y have to alter about a line and a half . The rest is always the same
Having been told not to use first person responses in essays this is still a contentious issue .How do you respond to : HOW HAS YOUR READING OF ...SHAPED YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF...” Having discussed this with other hsc English teachers the general consensus is use I or WE in the intro and conclusion and responders ,audiences, readers etc in tne body paragraphs .
Eg intro ..Through my reading of x’s “ name of text” I have concluded that ....”
and in the body paragraphs . “ Furthermore as readers delve deeper into the text their reading is shaped by ....”
Hard to predict . I suggest you have two or three ideas based aroynd the mod c texts you have studied and try and have a plan that you have a story that can be persuasive , discursive or imaginary with minimal changes . Look at what you have already written for mod c and try and write it in another format without changing the purpose .
Be aware of your audience . If not stated then it won’t matter .
With your reflection when you talk about any weaknesses or struggles make them positive . Eg I was uncertain which language techniques to use ( that tells the marker that you know a lot )
10 / EXAM
Decide whether you do your weakest one first and get it done or do your best one first . In doing so keep your time management in mind if you decide to go overtime and make sure you are aware of your time
Know how much you can WRITE BY HAND in ten minutes . It’s not how many pages it’s the quality of your answers
If you want a better word don’t waste time coming up with a better synonym just write as it is . It won’t make it better /less sophisticated
Best wishes everyone
Mr McAlpin
i'm a bit late to this discussion (not really you are all just chronically online) but this sounds so cool! it's good to see another person doing ee2smh forgot about the GOAT subject. honestly its been pre easy, im essentially done writing the reflection and major work just doing touch ups. takes the stress out of having another exam yk.
I wrote a critical response into the utility of dystopian fiction in revealing societal progress and concerns of eras. It is called
How Dystopian Fiction Represents a Barometer of the Ages
This says what it's about from my reflection:
Accordingly, my major work, a critical analysis titled "“OLD FEARS ARE NEW AGAIN” How Dystopian Fiction Represents a Barometer of the Ages", is an evaluation of whether the concerns of yesteryear are still constant today through the analysis of four dystopian texts across two time periods (1930-1940 & 2000-present). Ultimately, I aimed to illustrate how dystopian literature is utilised by authors as the principal genre for discussing anxieties of the respective age and the effect this had on the audience. My piece therefore critically analyses the ways in which authors Aldous Huxley, Ayn Rand, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Neal Shusterman in their respective texts of Brave New World (1932) by Aldous Huxley and Ayn Rand’s novella Anthem (1938), as well as, the novels Never Let Me Go (2005) by Kazuo Ishiguro and Neal Shusterman’s Scythe (2016) appeal to the audience to understand the overarching issues of any specific time. These issues specifically relate to the scrutinisation of the overarching consequences of living under oppressive systems, the importance of individuality, and the futile pursuit of utopia in their relation to power. This thus enables my piece to act as an investigation into which social, cultural and political concerns persist across multiple time periods, hence applying in practice the idea that dystopian fiction is a barometer of the ages. The structure of the essay is filtered through the three subheadings pertaining to relevant societal ills: ‘The Futility of the Utopian Vision’ (1), The Issue of Oppressive Systems within Supposed Utopian Visions (2), The Treatment of the Important Individual within “Utopian” Society (3).
Nahhhh i'm not chronically online, im just procrastinating. and I love ee2, favourite subject tbh. also thanks.i'm a bit late to this discussion (not really you are all just chronically online) but this sounds so cool! it's good to see another person doing ee2
i'm doing a short story which i love![]()
Cheers boss. Depends on ur strengths tbh. but critical responses do get better marks on avg im pre sure, less subjective for the marker in case they j hate ur concept.Damn that sounds epic. I kinda regret not doing a critical response for mine now, I went the normie route and did a short fiction.
thank yougl !
glee1 in an hour and twenty, dear god pray for me
get fucking keen son.ee1 in an hour and twenty, dear god pray for me
lmao i'm not saying you're chronically online necessary, it was just a comment about how you sent your message like, 12 hours ago and it's already 5 or 6 pages back so clearly someone isNahhhh i'm not chronically online, im just procrastinating. and I love ee2, favourite subject tbh. also thanks.
what's your short story on?
You're a saint I swearTo all you year 12 students. I wish you all the best and every success and I wanted to let you know I’m happy to help .
My name is Mr McAlpin and I am a qualified English and Modern History teacher . After retIring from teaching I set up files and resources for EVERY text in the English syllabus ( std, adv , ext ) in order to help students who might need resources etc . I have also marked HSC and been an external marker for HSC trials
I also mark essays of that helps . I do not expect any payment . I will give them to you and they are updated as often as I can.
Anyway I wanted you all to know, and let others know if you wish , that I’m happy to assist if it helps . Im also on the discord hsc site and facebook HSC discussion 2023
Anyway thought I would let you know and let you decide if you think I could .
Feel free to send message or ask more details . Happy to disclose my email if that helps
Anyway to you wonderful HSC 2023 students keep the focus , back yourself , work out but have free time and take care .
I wrote some tips for you that might help . Sorry it’s long my file wouldn’t load
Mr I McAlpin
Especially in paper one unseen comprehension take note of the marking scheme and make sure you don’t spend too much time on low mark questions
You might like to consider : you have 45 minutes to get 20 marks . That’s just over two minutes a mark . I suggest something like for 3 marks you write fir six minutes max ( ie 3 marks x 2 minutes a mark ) = 6,4 marks =8 minutes etc . That way you will have a little bit of time left over
Also regarding time you really only have 40 minutes to write once . By the time you finish writing 40 minutes first time it probably takes 30 seconds to change booklets , and turn to next question . You might grab a quick drink as well . Allow 39 minutes and then 38 etc .
For that reason I suggest you allow 10 minutes a paragraph ( 3 body paragraphs) which translates to 30 minutes leaving 10 minutes for intro/ conclusion. If you write more body paragraphs you will need to spend less time per paragraphs ( approx 8 mins ) 8 minutes x 4 = 32 minutes
Always remember an average finished essay will often get better marks than a brilliant unfinished one .
It is likely ,with paper one , that you won’t finish reading all your unseen texts In your 10 minutes so you should read the longer text first and have a strategy for the texts that you don’t finish reading when you can start writing
Also I suggest you take a minute out of your writing time to make a few quick notes on the other questions so you don’t forget what you thought of during reading time . By that I mean jot down say three dot points for module b and mod c ( c of w) BEFORE you start Mod a .
You can answer the questions in any order but MAKE SURE they are in different booklets .
Some schools might say otherwise so follow your school’s expectations regarding abbreviation of titles but NESA allows it . Make sure you put the FULL title in the introduction and conclusion and correctly label it . I would suggest a word rather than initials Eg Write “ Go Back To Where You Came From “ as “ Go Back” rather than “ GBTWYCF” because it actually takes longer to write initials than word(s).
Don’t focus on what you don’t know . No matter how little you think you know concentrate on what you do know . Eg whatever little bit you do know DO IT REALLY WELL .
Your paragraphs don’t need to be of equal length . It’s ok to have say 2 paragraphS with say 200 words approx and one with only around 150.
You all know something so use that. At least you will get some marks for what you know . You can’t get marks without writing something and remember you ARE BEING ASSESSED ON STRUCTURE so knowledge might not be brilliant but structure can increase your mark
Of course you want more but note one quote per paragraph is better than three in one and none in the other paragraphs .Dont forget you can use an ellipsis .eg if you were quoting say Romeo and Juliet you could write : “ Romeo , Romeo ... thou Romeo” or something similar to explain . TRY AND PICK SHORT QUOTES SO YOU CAN DO YOUR BEST TO REMEMBER THEM .
Don’t be afraid to use the basics you learnt in primary school .eg alliteration , personification etc . It’s not the technique that matters so much as HOW it helps you interpret the meaning
Do not use techniques in the introduction unless you intend to refer to them in EVERY paragraph
Remember that HOW questions involve technique answers or reference to your understanding
THIS IS THE ANSWER YOU CAN TRY AND REMEMBER . Markers can usually decide your mark by reading your introduction because it: 1/ refers to the text name and author/ poet/ director etc 2/ identifies the question and your approach to it 3/ shows how you intend to prove it
It’s ok to say ‘ ...through skilful use of figurative language responders ...” or something g like that . 4 to 5 sentences should be enough and your intention that say you actually on.y have to alter about a line and a half . The rest is always the same
Having been told not to use first person responses in essays this is still a contentious issue .How do you respond to : HOW HAS YOUR READING OF ...SHAPED YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF...” Having discussed this with other hsc English teachers the general consensus is use I or WE in the intro and conclusion and responders ,audiences, readers etc in tne body paragraphs .
Eg intro ..Through my reading of x’s “ name of text” I have concluded that ....”
and in the body paragraphs . “ Furthermore as readers delve deeper into the text their reading is shaped by ....”
Hard to predict . I suggest you have two or three ideas based aroynd the mod c texts you have studied and try and have a plan that you have a story that can be persuasive , discursive or imaginary with minimal changes . Look at what you have already written for mod c and try and write it in another format without changing the purpose .
Be aware of your audience . If not stated then it won’t matter .
With your reflection when you talk about any weaknesses or struggles make them positive . Eg I was uncertain which language techniques to use ( that tells the marker that you know a lot )
10 / EXAM
Decide whether you do your weakest one first and get it done or do your best one first . In doing so keep your time management in mind if you decide to go overtime and make sure you are aware of your time
Know how much you can WRITE BY HAND in ten minutes . It’s not how many pages it’s the quality of your answers
If you want a better word don’t waste time coming up with a better synonym just write as it is . It won’t make it better /less sophisticated
Best wishes everyone
Mr McAlpin
it was easyI haven't even looked at last years bc im worried abt it, i heard it was one of the harder ones.
plenty of ppl procrastinating thats wholmao i'm not saying you're chronically online necessary, it was just a comment about how you sent your message like, 12 hours ago and it's already 5 or 6 pages back so clearly someone is
i'm writing about the 1832 june rebellion (this little two day long french uprising that i know too much about) and using it as an allegory for hope and transcendental hope and all that good stuff
historical fiction tends to do well if it's researched enough so fingers crossed!
mine's today. you cssa?also good luck for e1! mine's tomorrow. feeling okay for wou but a bit more worried about literary worlds because it's such a wildcard
you righti dont think a 92 in ext 1 warrants an ego, so dw about that![]()
Yes they will increase it to 100 because it is their fault they didn’t even send a limo to pick u up? SMHSpeaking about trials, this morning I just had my math trial hsc exam and I didn't realise it was in the morning until my friend texted me.
I thought it was this afternoon, so I slept in.
Anyway, I made it to the exam, but I was nearly two hours late! I ended up answering the multiple choice section as well as a couple of short answer questions.
Will they moderate my mark to take into account that I was late? I don't want it to affect my mark, because it wasn't my fault, because no one reminded me I had an exam this morning.
it's your fault for not checkingWhat? I think you are joking, are you?
I just really don't want to get a bad mark, because then it might make my atar a bit lower, an I really want a good atar, because I am hoping to go to university.
No they didn’t even remind you how is it your faultWhat? I think you are joking, are you?
I just really don't want to get a bad mark, because then it might make my atar a bit lower, an I really want a good atar, because I am hoping to go to university.