Congrats to everyone who's recieved an offer!
Offer: nah
UMAT: 100 (209)
ATAR/GPA: 99.60/7
Interstate: yes but no (Sydney address, when I called she said you're Queensland anyway, no wait you're NSW)
Applicant type: Non-standard I guess?
Special consideration: nah
Called them up and was told that they don't have my tertiary results yet so I wasn't considered for first round, but some first years got offers because they put down their WAM/GPA in the box. I didn't put mine down because UAC said they had received my results thus far (so surely UNSW would have been able to access them) and it's subject to change :/
Hmm. One of two things has probably happened
1) If they considered you as an interstater, that means interview would be in the late round, not this one, in which case you won't have an offer yet. Sounds like you're not interstate though and when you called they just stumbled over their words
2) Your marks are more than good enough, so maybe they haven't got them like you said. If they havenlt make sure you speak to the people at the med faculty and make sure everything is ok with the application, so that they can consider you for late round, which you'd definitely get in for. You won't be at a disadvantage, you'd just interview later in the year
Offer: nah
Umat: 97p and score is 194
Predicted ATAR/GPA: 96+ I think for atar
Interstate: nah
Applicant Type: School leaver
Special Consideration: EAS (but supporting documents have yet to be sent in)
Wait on the next round when they have your ATAR and take EAS into account
Offer: Yes, but I'm still in shock . . .
Umat: (percentile, overall) 94%, 186
Predicted ATAR/GPA: (Nonstandards need to give both) I have absolutely no clue
Interstate: No
Applicant Type: (School leaver, Nonstandard, International) School Leaver
Special Consideration: (EAS, Rural etc) None
My school refuses to tell me what my predicted ATAR is. Can anyone tell me in previous years what ATAR corresponds to a 94% UMAT?
Hard to say, it
reallydepends on interview. I assume you just mean for interview offer though, so generally 98+
Offer: Yes

UMAT: 100th (score: 225)
Predicted ATAR: 99.70
Interstate: Yes
Applicant Type: School leaver
Special Consideration: None
Watch out, that UMAT's gonna drag you down
Offer: Yes
UMAT: 88th percentile- score of 179
Predicted ATAR: 99.20
School leaver
No special consideration
Judging by the rest of your results I clearly must be one of the lowest applicants. Best of luck to all of you! Smash the interview!
Your marks are awesome, if you've got the interview then you've got a solid shot at getting in. Kill the interview!
Someone got in this year with 96.3 ATAR and 69 average UMAT score (UNSW uses avg of the three section scores, not percentile)
Offer: yas
Umat: 99th (65,65,71 = 201)
Predicted ATAR: IB score of 42 or 43, so like either 99.45 or 99.75
like i live in the act so interstate?? local?? who knows
school leaver
no special consideration
so im wearing thongs for the interview who is with me
yee son, thongs and boardies krew, 2kool4unsw
(Also ACT students do interviews with NSW. Rest of interstate/NZ will get offers and do interviews later. hence you have an interview now)
Offer: Yes
Umat: 66th Percentile (54, 54, 52; 160)
Predicted ATAR: 99.96
School Leaver
Rural, EAS
dayum brah teach me how to ATAR