i still. don't get. it O_O
but, on topic [well, before ellen page], i extremely dislike all the negativity placed on the arts degree.
i mean, science kids are passionate about science, so they do it. maths people are passionate about maths, so they take adv mathematics.
but when a passionate humanities student wants to do arts everyone gives them the third degree
and especially if you're taking majors like international & govt relations, political economy etc, i don't see why you'd have a shortage of jobs, particularly in government.
[it's so awkward when random family friends go "oh, so you're doing commerce/law right?" and i have to answer "no er,... criminology actually." and they try to politely nod while what's actually going on in their brains is more like "wtf O_O". ]
Yeah it's just weird. And there are so many awesome graduate programs/opportunities. I don't think some people realise that they are not going to get some glamourous dream job which will make them feel happy+complete...
and not everybody goes to uni with expectations of extremely high paying jobs, or wants to put in years and years of effort. I mean, personally I'd be pretty happy getting a decent paying office/government job at 21 when I finish this undergraduate degree if I don't want to do postgrad.
So personally, I'm pretty confident in doing a degree in Social Science majoring in International Relations with skills learned such as these
'written communication skills with particular emphasis on reports, submissions, position papers and proposals; the ability to undertake research and data analysis, both quantitative and qualitative; analysis and critical evaluation of research, arguments and policies; and the use of computers in social research and information processing' and very confident in presenting that to a generic employer for a graduate program/other job op.
And really, when your being interviewed you want to actually be able to bring skills like that to the table, that are relevant and can be applied in a workplace...plus I know of people who have done their PhD in Social Science & Policy and have gone on to be employed by that university for research work and are paid well.
And using one individual as an example - they are frequently flown to meetings internationally, have a massive office, are able to afford a new house and car, while supporting four children as a single mother? And that particular example comes from UWS!?!
PLUS. Not to bag out other degrees, but no one seems to question people doing degrees like Contemporary Art or Photography etc yet they love to bag out Arts&Social Sciences which makes no sense since even a basic Arts degree will obviously give students a better opportunity to find a decent paying job in a number of fields. Because I'm sure theres a hell of alot of creative arts graduates who don't end up landing their perceived job as a world class artist!
A likely scenario:
Degree in Contemporary Art holder:
'Um well my works have been featured in this competition in uni and I have this portfolio, my essay on Brett Whitely was awarded a High Distinction'
'Err thats great love, but how are you with information processing and report writing...WPM anyone?'
so.. um, what the actual fuck people?
And it's all very well and good to be pretenious over the internet about what degree you do etc. But when it comes down to reality people with degrees in anything applicable to generic workplaces are always in a better position for jobs then people who don't have them.
So.. yeah ..some people need to get over themselves and realise not everyone wants to devote years and years of their youth, or extensive studying, to something they don't want or need.
Not everyone needs to fit into the same little box of what you find is acceptable or successful enough.
So as a 13year old MySpacer would say 'fukk da haterzz'.
PS. for whats it worth, Criminology combined with Law sounds great from all I've seen, I would do it in a heartbeat if I had gotten the ATAR needed.
(SORRY FOR THE RANT, but it needed to be said, by SOMEONE on this forum)
And by the way, if your gonna reply to this and further insult or make groundless statements about Arts/Social Sciences.. please have a leg to stand on and some actual facts? Instead of making up percentages? Or I just won't even bother acknowledging, yeah?