What you mean end of Jan/start of february? UAC is kinda a little confusing now..they changed there offer round 'names' or whatever...but I think its back to what they use to call it. Which is now..i.e. Early round, then MAIN ROUND, then Late-round and Final round offers...
I assume you mean Late/final rounds...therefore
I can give two tips:
1. When the main-round offers are given to students/non-students..The UAC will
release the most up-to-date Main round cut-offs for 2013 on there website somewhere.. this will be the cut-offs for next years admission to 2014. However this ALSO I believe will be the cut-off GUIDE for people applying for the late-round of offers who may/may not receive an offer in the main round..You should use this I believe to get a CRYSTAL CLEAR picture of whether you will receieve an offer in the later rounds (i.e. late/final round) after the main rounds have been released.
It will also show where there are V Vacancies and where there are not.. and will show increases/decreases in the UAI/ATAR cut-off score after all offfers have been recieved.
2. Usually in the late round, ATAR/UAI's seem to MOSTLY increase for most degrees, but some will decrease..either a little bit or dramatically..so I dont think you will get an offer....maybe you should've applied for EA Scheme from UAC? Or..if your school comes from a PSFP (Priority school funding) programmed school..then you might automatically receive a few points extra
automatically (Which is new)...about 3 or something or 5 through the EAS scheme from UAC..
Thats all I can say...call UAC or the University up and you also can asks them your "Chances" of getting into a particular program.